How to Format a Sansa Fuze From a PC
- 1). Connect the Sansa Fuze to your computer through its proprietary USB cable.
- 2). Click "Start" and select "Computer" from the list of items shown.
- 3). Right-click the "Sansa Fuze" entry from the left pane; select the "Format" option.
- 4). Select "FAT32" from the list of file system options. Optionally, mark "Quick Format" with a check-box. Enabling this feature creates a new file table but does not completely remove all data. Instead, deleted data is overwritten slowly as new files are stored in the device.
- 5). Click "Start" to format the Sansa Fuze media player. Click "OK" to proceed with the selected options.
- 6). Click "Close" once Windows finishes formatting the device.