What to Do if Your iPod Is Dropped Into Water
- If your iPod has been in water -- whether it simply got damp or was completely submerged -- make sure it is turned off. Do not turn it on or attempt to plug it in; powering on the iPod could cause the water inside to short circuit the device, which will make fixing it impossible. Make sure it is powered off, gently shake the device to remove excess water, then use a cloth or paper towel to dry off the outside.
- A common method of drying out your iPod is by placing it in a plastic bag or bowl full of uncooked rice. The rice helps absorb moisture, so it works better than simply leaving your iPod out to dry. Leave the iPod in the rice for at least 24 hours; however, the longer you wait, the better. The iPod must be completely dry inside to work, so waiting three to five days is a safer estimate.
- Another method you can use to help expedite the process is by using a vacuum, blow dryer or can of compressed air to blow water out of places you cannot reach with a cloth. This will not completely dry the device, but will help get rid of more water than just waiting for it to dry. However, be careful about using any sources of heat to help the water evaporate, as too much heat can cause internal damage to the iPod.
- After a few days, when you are sure your iPod is completely dry, attempt to power it on. If it turns on, then your iPod is still functional. However, there may be some issues that need to be corrected: your battery life may be drastically decreased or the iPod may be suffering from errors. If your iPod is having problems operating correctly, run the "Restore" process from the iPod's options in iTunes to restore your iPod to factory settings. If your battery life is very short, it may need to be replaced.