The Best Way to Use Crumble the Undead in "Runescape"
- The spell requires a character to have level 39 magic to cast. Casting the spell will consume two air runes, two earth runes, and one chaos rune. All players, whether they are pay-to-play subscribers or not, have access to the spell.
- The cost to cover the cast of each Crumble Undead spell is 86 gold pieces when the runes are purchased from the Grand Exchange. Players can purchase elemental staffs, which remove the cost of a certain rune from spells, depending on the type of elemental staff being wielded. The cost of casting Crumble Undead with a staff of air costs 76 gold pieces and 62 gold pieces with a staff of earth. Pay-to-play "RuneScape" players can use dust runes, which can substitute the air and earth runes, and spend 66 gold pieces per cast.
- Crumble Undead deals massive amounts of damage to its targets. They can take away as many as 150 life points from their undead targets. Casts that deal up to 250 damage have been documented. The high damage output for such a low level spell makes it a great tool for killing undead creatures.
- The very low cost of casting Crumble Undead makes it an ideal spell to use for characters to increase magic skill levels. The spell gives 24.5 experience points for every cast and can be conveniently auto-casted with any staff. Some locations for using Crumble Undead for magic training include the Varrock Sewers and Stronghold of Security, where zombies and skeletons can be found.