Surf Instructor Certification
- Many surfing schools and camps boast of their ability to certify surf instructors, but the official organization for surf instruction is the National Surf Schools & Instructors Association, or NSSIA. The NSSIA is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting the advancement of water safety through the correct instruction of surf technique and etiquette.
The NSSIA offers training courses and certification classes for those interested in becoming an official surf instructor. Like many professional licenses, surfing instructors must meet the instructor requirements, apply for certification and keep their certification renewed on a yearly basis.
Surfing instructors can be certified in five categories:
Apprentice - Level 1
Instructor -- Level 2
Coach -- Level 2
Senior Instructor - Level 3
Master - Level 4
Each certification, or level, refers to the overall amount of surfing, surf instructing and the type of instruction a candidate has experienced. A new surf instructor candidate must begin his career at the apprentice level, meaning that an applicant cannot become a senior instructor or master without first becoming an apprentice and instructor. - Surf instructors must receive yearly certification from school image by Jeanne Hatch from
An apprentice, or level 1 surf instructor, must complete the NSSIA's manual for surf instruction, as well as provide surf references and verify at least seven years of experience surfing. No previous history of instruction is required to become an apprentice. - To attain instructor, or level 2, status, the apprentice must teach surfing for a minimum of two years and provide references from the surf schools at which she taught. A level 2 instructor must have at least 10 years of surfing experience total, as well as a CPR certificate.
- A coach status (also level 2), requires the applicant to have two years of experience in judging competitive surfing, be officially recommended by a top professional surfer, 10 years of total surfing experience, as well as a CPR certification and police background check.
- Those who make it to a senior instructor, or level 3, status, can boast four years' experience instructing at three certified surf schools. She must also have 10 years' total surfing experience and a CPR certification.
- A master, or level 4 surf instructor, must show eight years' experience teaching for four accredited surf schools. He must also be officially endorsed as a master instructor, pass a police background check, receive CPR certification and have a minimum of 20 years' surfing experience.
- NSSIA holds regular certification and training courses in beach communities. To check its upcoming schedule, see Accredited surf schools can also schedule courses for their current and prospective instructors, regardless of their location.