Coping With A Breakup - 5 Tips To Help You Get Over A Messy, Yucky Breakup - Easier Said Than Done
It sucks to be were you are right now.
Trust me I know from personal experience.
Here is what has worked for me and maybe it can work for you.
So here are the five tips.
Accept the end - Ouch, this is a hard one.
But it works.
The sooner you accept the end the better.
Prolonging your agony only makes it more painful.
Allow yourself to heal- Go easy on yourself.
It happened and all is not over.
If you think you are a decent person, then you know, it is there lose.
Time is also the best healer- As time goes by, this break up will have less of an effect on you and now you can go out and have cause over your next relationship.
Talk to a friend or family member- this is a great way to vent, a shoulder to cry on.
The more you talk about it, you will find the energy of the situation start to dissipate.
This is not only good advice for a relationship gone array, but anything that is troubling you.
A good, understanding set of ears can work miracles far more than any pill can.
Forget about revenge- do not do it.
Revenge unfortunately is as old as man.
It never solved anything and only causes a domino effect.
Let it go and walk away.
If you do go back to thoughts of the relationship, just think of all the happy moments.
Try, okay.
I sure hope some or all of the tips can be helpful.
This is a difficult time you are going through.
Keep this on the back burner.
If you think you may want to get your ex back, then look back at what you could have said or done.
Obvious, do make the same mistake again.
Maybe you can get back with that person.
If you so choose to.