Tips for Relieving Stress
Stress is one of the worst things to affect the life of an individual. Though it does no bodily harm directly, it can wreak havoc with your psychological makeup. Apart from that, stress is a cause of some of the fatal physical ailments, like high blood pressure, heart attack and cardiac arrest, as well as minor health problems, like poor digestion, insomnia, headaches, too much weight loss/gain, etc.
Healthy and Green Living
Point being, though my first thought should have been to the intensity of a storm that could possibly provoke such behavior from my dogs, it was instead, TICKS. First of all, it should be known that my mother and I are no stranger to tick-born illnesses. We have each had Lyme Disease at least 5 times and other tick borne diseases Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsia, and Babesiosis numerous times
Relieving Stress By Exercise
When talking about stress management, each little amount of exercise is valuable. Never think that failure to commit to a strict fitness regime is useless. It is not. Remember that what motivates people to do more starts from doing little things.
Anxiety and Relieving Stress
It is a common problem that everybody faces everyday. Call it what you will; stress, anxiety, worry, concern. It hits us everyday in different degrees regarding all manners, from health to money to love to careers to simple decisions to uncontrollable events.
Relieving Stress at Work
Think stress is a great motivator? Think again. Stress in the workplace can have a detrimental impact on productivity; 47 percent of respondents to a recent ComPsych survey reported that they miss one to two days of work per year due to stress, while an additional 33 percent miss as many as six days each year.
Stress and Surviving the Holidays
Although the holidays are swarming with things to do, it's important to take a break or you will be burnt out before the second week of December. Give yourself a much-deserved break on a daily or weekly basis, with these five tips to relieving stress and surviving the holidays.
Relieving stress quickly
Try a few simple stretches. Find yourself a quiet spot (the toilets will do if there's no where else suitable) and spend a few moments stretching out your arms and legs. Relax and shake out your arms and legs when you're finished .Leave the workplace for a few minutes.
Tips For relieving Stress
Laugh More
Laughter is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. Laughter can help you boost your immune system. This means that you will be less prone to colds and flu and, if you do get sick, you will get better that much faster.
When we become stressed, our bodies start to breath more rapidly and our heart rate increases. However, we also breathe more shallowly so there isn't a very efficient and healthy exchange between getting fresh oxygen in and getting waste gases out.
Delegate. Do not try to do everything yourself, but rather, seek help from others.
Keep a positive attitude. Do not take life so seriously, laugh sometime.
The New Importance of Relieving Stress
Relieving stress is important for our physical and emotional wellbeing--that's well-established. However, new research shows that our ability for relieving stress in ourselves may have a significant impact on our loved ones. Learn more about the 'how's and 'why's of relieving stress.
Stress is one of the worst things to affect the life of an individual. Though it does no bodily harm directly, it can wreak havoc with your psychological makeup. Apart from that, stress is a cause of some of the fatal physical ailments, like high blood pressure, heart attack and cardiac arrest, as well as minor health problems, like poor digestion, insomnia, headaches, too much weight loss/gain, etc.
Healthy and Green Living
Point being, though my first thought should have been to the intensity of a storm that could possibly provoke such behavior from my dogs, it was instead, TICKS. First of all, it should be known that my mother and I are no stranger to tick-born illnesses. We have each had Lyme Disease at least 5 times and other tick borne diseases Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsia, and Babesiosis numerous times
Relieving Stress By Exercise
When talking about stress management, each little amount of exercise is valuable. Never think that failure to commit to a strict fitness regime is useless. It is not. Remember that what motivates people to do more starts from doing little things.
Anxiety and Relieving Stress
It is a common problem that everybody faces everyday. Call it what you will; stress, anxiety, worry, concern. It hits us everyday in different degrees regarding all manners, from health to money to love to careers to simple decisions to uncontrollable events.
Relieving Stress at Work
Think stress is a great motivator? Think again. Stress in the workplace can have a detrimental impact on productivity; 47 percent of respondents to a recent ComPsych survey reported that they miss one to two days of work per year due to stress, while an additional 33 percent miss as many as six days each year.
Stress and Surviving the Holidays
Although the holidays are swarming with things to do, it's important to take a break or you will be burnt out before the second week of December. Give yourself a much-deserved break on a daily or weekly basis, with these five tips to relieving stress and surviving the holidays.
Relieving stress quickly
Try a few simple stretches. Find yourself a quiet spot (the toilets will do if there's no where else suitable) and spend a few moments stretching out your arms and legs. Relax and shake out your arms and legs when you're finished .Leave the workplace for a few minutes.
Tips For relieving Stress
Laugh More
Laughter is one of the most effective ways to manage stress. Laughter can help you boost your immune system. This means that you will be less prone to colds and flu and, if you do get sick, you will get better that much faster.
When we become stressed, our bodies start to breath more rapidly and our heart rate increases. However, we also breathe more shallowly so there isn't a very efficient and healthy exchange between getting fresh oxygen in and getting waste gases out.
Delegate. Do not try to do everything yourself, but rather, seek help from others.
Keep a positive attitude. Do not take life so seriously, laugh sometime.
The New Importance of Relieving Stress
Relieving stress is important for our physical and emotional wellbeing--that's well-established. However, new research shows that our ability for relieving stress in ourselves may have a significant impact on our loved ones. Learn more about the 'how's and 'why's of relieving stress.