Precious Love - How It Makes Us Feel Brand New
Everyone is searching for it.
There's a look to real love.
You see in the eyes of strangers passing by.
They rarely see you, they are lost in the magic of being together; it's a look you can't hide.
What lies within that magic we can't live without? What happens to us when at last it comes along? So many things happen to us when we're swept into the throes of this emotion.
Our hearts race when we see 'the' phone number on the screen, a text or email so simple it may say only 'I love you;' suddenly we feel special.
Because we are special to the one who loves us enough to contact us with such a simple message.
As soon as it arrives our hearts are full, our minds filled with memories we can only share with each other; all that from a simple message.
We can't stop smiling, it's love! Everyone becomes a multi-tasking genius when they're in love; regardless of what we are engaged in, our mind is never really off the one we love.
We take lunch breaks and suddenly notice some simple thing we have to buy just to offer a lover a silly surprise.
These are shared memories that build a foundation we can stand on for years; we never throw them away even if they have no material value.
They are priceless in our minds; we belong to someone.
No matter what has happened in our lives, even if we believe we have had a good life, we grow a little jaded about...
us! Love makes us stare into one another's eyes endlessly.
What do we see there? We see a reflection of the best we can become in each other's eyes.
Why? Because all the best of what we can be is what the one who loves us sees! When someone loves us they see the future, not the past where the losses, the failures and all the choices we wish we had never made are stored.
They don't see us in a smaller size, different hair, better clothing or even a better job.
They see a person who attracts them like no other, who loves to listen to how they feel, who cares about every part of their life.
Love gives us hope, a reason to follow our dreams and something to believe in, together.
One to another, we become the miracle that never came, and deep within those stares is a reflection of what can really be.
Is it any wonder that we feel brand new? The very act of falling in love forces us to see the best we can be; someone believes in us! We spring out of bed, requiring far less sleep.
We're excited about life and the opportunity to share it with someone so special.
The oddest thing happens once we regain that excitement, everything we touch is filled with positive energy.
Our entire outlook on life changes! Real love sneaks up on us when we're not really looking; a surprise life seems to have saved that arrives when we really are ready to receive it.
Love is so special that when it arrives we forget the long search.
We are so focused on a future together we can hardly remember what came before.
It is so worth waiting for, worth not settling for less or giving up on finding.
Real love is the magic of life; it knows you never have to doubt anymore because you can count on each other.
No wonder it amazes us!