Air Amplifiers For Efficient Air Compression
An air amplifier is one of the many components of an air compressor and it functions as an enhancer improving the extent of air released by the compressor. The amplifier has a nozzle where the compressed air passes through at high speeds but only small amounts of air is released. As the air leaves the compressor, vacuum is created within the equipment, which in turn sucks in surrounding air from the end and then releases it, amplified, through the nozzle. Air amplifiers can also be used simply to circulate the ambient air, smoke, fumes, even dust and other minute particulates, for purifying purposes.
The amplifier is composed of at least five parts that works sequentially. The first part is the inlet, and as the name implies, this is where the air instantly passes through. As air enters this first part, it is directed towards the second part called the annular chamber, which acts like an absorbing chamber more like a reservoir for incoming air. As the air reaches the nozzle (the third part), its velocity increases because it is being compressed by the small opening of the nozzle. As the air flow outside the nozzle, it exhibits the Coanda effect. In fluid mechanics, it is the tendency of a fluid, in this case air, to adhere or to attach itself to the nearest surface. This surface (inside the amplifier, fourth part) is designed so that when the air touches this surface, it is pushed out through the center (outlet, fifth part). As this primary high-speed airstream combine with the low velocity, high-volume ambient air, an air of high velocity and volume is released.
There are several types of air amplifiers in the market and one can choose based on their preferences. The most efficient to date is a patented design called the Super Air Amplifier by Exair and it is available in five sizes (with adjustable shims). This is also the quietest air amplifier. The other type from the same manufacturer is called the Adjustable Air Amplifier, which can be adjusted any way you want; however, its efficiency is not as high as the first one. It can be made from aluminum or stainless steel. The other type is called High Temperature Air Amplifier, which can withstand temperatures up to 700F.
If you are trying to determine out which air amplifier to purchase, you should identify first what type of air pollutants you are trying to remove. If you wish to exhaust chemical vapors, choose compatible amplifiers that are not prone to corrosion. Make sure that you dont let the solids stay there for too long because it will definitely decrease the efficiency of your amplifier. Clean them regularly as well.