Know If You Are Getting Cheated On - Detect an Affair!
It is not surprising though since almost half of the world's population are committing infidelity.
Most people do not have the guts to verify their doubts-that their spouses are having an affair.
It is rather understandable though, since it is hard for people to accept the fact that their marriage is heading towards its end already.
This can be both traumatic and heartbreaking, most especially if you have truly loved your partner and you thought he loved you in return.
It is true that love is not enough to maintaining relationship.
A healthy relationship calls for trust, compatibility, faithfulness and of course, maintaining some air of mystery.
The last part is included because most of the time, people look happiness and satisfaction from other people once he gets bored or has become very comfortable with your relationship.
Once you felt that something is wrong, you have to immediately take action in determining whether your instincts are true or not.
It is better that you found out about this earlier so that you can accept the truth faster.
At times, self-confidence is the one being damaged once you found out that your spouse is having an affair.
You cannot help but blame yourself, thinking that there something wrong or lacking in you that your spouse has found in someone else.
Others may become a big stress case.
Indeed, it is stressing to know that your spouse has loved somebody other than you-his wife or her husband.
On the other hand, there are others who become traumatized of the whole experience.
They could not get over it for months, some even years; they are like the war or earthquake victims.
They react to betrayal the same way as those who have experienced abuse, violence, accidents and disasters.
Their symptoms include emotional numbing and they even relive the horror of betrayal from time to time.
Others even live their lives based on their rage and anger to the betrayal that they have experienced.
We call this condition as "post-infidelity stress disorder", a disorder that has rage as its primary symptom.
Relatives of a person who has this disorder should show him or her that he or she is loved by many people.
Try to make her feel as secured as you possibly can.
She or he may take some time to recover but having many people around him-to comfort him and take care of him-may hasten the healing process.
In the world where we live in, it is really impossible to trust and love someone wholeheartedly.
There is always that scary thought that what if he won't love us back in return, or worst-leave use for another person.
While all of these thoughts can be possible, it may also be impossible.
So, it is better that you be ready for everything that might happen.
Don't give too much, leave something for yourself so if ever these things might happen, you are still intact and not completely broken.