Message Of Ramadan

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Before we understand the message of Ramadan, we have to remember who is reminding us of this message. It is Allah (SWT) who is telling us directly about his Mercy, His Rahma and all of His bounties.

Why is Allah doing this?

Allah (SWT) is telling us, telling Muslims, Come, you have dirtied yourself, you have done many bad deeds, come to the month of cleansing, the month of a chance to go back and remember and clean yourself. This is the essence of Salatul Tarawih in Ramadan. Allah (SWT) wants us to remember that every night is very important. He wants us to remember His words, His mercy, His command, His advice, His wisdom, His promise about Jannah and His warnings about Jahannam.

The Arabic people in the early days used to say, the meaning of "If someone talks do not listen to him, but see who he is and what he is doing. By this way you will understand what he is talking about. If you think about it Allah (SWT) is talking to us, He is calling us. Why is He calling Us? To be careful, To wake up, To make an effort, to sacrifice, To struggle and Do our utmost in Ramadan. Why? Because this is the month throughout the year in which we can gain all the treasures.

For example, If someone says, "Come to me and I will give you a million dollar," Do you think you will go late? Will you give excuses? Will you say? he said this, she said this. My job, My study? Or you will do your utmost effort to be on time for the money.

Remember and remind others that Allah (SWT) wants us to make an effort to gain His mercy in Ramadan by remembering Him more and getting closer to Him more.

Lets understand in detail about Ramadan:

In Sura Bakhrah (verse 185) , Allah (SWT) said, " oh you who believe, I give you and prescribe to you fasting. Maybe you will gain takhwa (piety)".(Notice here, Allah (SWT) did not say Oh Muslim, He said, OH BELIEVER.) It means we have to embrace Islam, we have to live as a Muslim and we have to be in a state of obedience and in a state of trying to be a believer. We have to stay away from all the sins the maximum we can, so we can be among those who belong to this verse.

What is Siyam?

In a linguistic meaning, it is to stop, to stop something. In the early days, people used to fast from talking, from different things. Allah (SWT) gave us something special, from sunrise to sunset. Food is halal, permissible, but in Ramadan its not allowed during this specific time, so is your husband/wife.


Allah (SWT) wants to train us (our nafs) and our soul to stop living like an animal. They also eat, sleep and have sexual relationships like us. But we, as human beings, have more responsibilities in life, our purpose is different. Allah (SWT) wants to train us from falling into our every desire, every demand. Human beings can demand to the point that they destroy their souls. Allah (SWT) wants us to wake up and not go to sleep and forget His message. Wake yourself up and your soul by not allowing yourself to be just like an animal, eating and sleeping. He wants us to go to the journey of Imaan (faith), the reality and be closer to Him.

Why Allah gave us fasting?

He also gave to people before us. He gave us small days and only one month. Imagine, if we had to fast the whole year? To remember Him and get Us closer to Him. And if you have a problem, you can feel how a poor person feels.

Allah (SWT) said, whoever will fast, it will be good for him. And if you fast, it will be better for you, only if you know. Know what? Know the amount of reward and bounty. Allah (SWT) said, fasting belongs to Me and I will reward you on the day of judgment. This is one of the pillars of Islam. Fasting for which Allah (SWT) has not mentioned how much reward he will give us. If we only comprehend the meaning of just to fast we will be crying and thanking Allah (SWT) to allow us to live as a human being and who gave us guidance and the ability to obey Him even in fasting.

Allah (SWT) explained,

What is Ramadan?

He said Ramadan is the month of revelation of the Quran, guidance to mankind and sign of guidance and distinguish between right and wrong. Whoever is of age and is in good health, then fast. If you are unable to fast then break it and make it on another time. Why? Allah (SWT) wants to make it easy for you and not difficult and to continue fasting and to complete the month. And to do tagbirah (Allahu Akbar) for the hidaya of Allah be to you (day of Eid).
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