The Appearance of the Cup in Catholic Charismatic Prophecy Bears Special Meaning
Once again, I will reveal the prophecy to Pope John Paul II and also my fear of disguised apparitions.
I also prayed: "O my Precious Yahweh! Such rapturous delight is mine in the appearance of the cup! I am made aware of Your activity in my life.
It seems my lot is to be a conveyor of Your Word.
Lord, in all humility, I have and will accept the cup and be the bearer of unfavorable tidings, to relay messages which subtly dictate the need for change in our Church.
Father God, whether the word will be heard and responded to remains to be seen.
But I will do my part; I will not turn my back on this task, even though I know it would probably be better for me and my place in the world if I did.
Many people oppose change, and will counter and persecute the bearer of such a call.
So, Lord, I pray You will lead Your People to see that it is Your will I am responding to.
In the meantime, I will not allow that fear of possible ridicule or persecution cause me to retreat.
Instead, I will put all my trust in You and journey on, for through Your Son Jesus, You did say, "What does it matter if we gain the whole world but lose our soul?" What would there remain for us? Speaking for myself, I would never know peace, and would experience hell on earth.
In such a case, the only entity to benefit would be Satan, and I will not be a party to that! Yet, Lord, the result of my accepting Your cup that I may be heard depends totally upon You.
I will need letters of recommendation to allow me entrance to the doors of our Church's leaders.
Without Your help, I can do nothing.
Hence, as in all matters, I will await Your assistance.
Unless steps are taken to rectify, even abolish, the points of dissension which have instigated disagreement and ultimate disunity, we are in for grave punishment.
We will bring the chastisement upon ourselves, for we have put these things into practice and have engaged in ways and means which give glory, honor and praise to those other than God.
In doing so, though we may not be aware of it, we are already punishing ourselves in that we are being deprived of the peace and joy we can have, and are able to be blessed with, when we engage in worship of God.
What has happened? Why have we become so blind? It is clear to see that, as a united body, a united Church, we can become a great power in the world to combat the forces of evil.
Further, unless we become such a body, manifesting God's Great Power on Earth, we cannot hope to defeat Satan's plan for a prolonged reign on Earth.
Whereas with united, concentrated prayer, praise, and faith, we can turn the tide and head off destruction.
Lord, why have our people become so dense and blind? Unknowingly we have allowed obstacles to come between us and You.
This travesty is the result of our perverse invention of unnecessary complications, which have made approaching You so difficult.
Help us to realize that You, Dear God are alive, and that dead things cannot lead us to oneness with You.
Remind us that You permeate the atmosphere with Your Presence and allow our minds and souls, our very essence, to meet and mingle with You.
Lord, I am humbly grateful to You for gracing me in those times of union; I have become fortified and encouraged to go on.
It is sad to think that so many of Your People are deprived of such moments, and sadder still is the realization that, though they too love You, they will not progress onto personal union with You, as they have become entrapped in prescribed ways and means and the use of externals.
Lord, help us to recognize and remove all those stumbling blocks.
It is most necessary we become One United Christian Body, with Christ at our Head.
We are to be a Body intent on investigating and discerning our differences, for if they have bred disunity they cannot have been divinely inspired.
In Matthew 12:25, Jesus did say, "Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin, and no town, no household divided against itself can stand.
" Therefore, we Christians must join together.
We are to form a solid band, one which can be most powerful in the promotion of good for all humanity, and as a result will be instrumental in wiping out the places where the evil one flourishes.
Satan desires disunity, for in such a situation he is able to prosper.
Whereas the separation of God's People keeps God's power at a low ebb: Christian individuals are prevented from joining together and contributing to the release of God's good power on Earth.
Also, our obvious disunity is an obstacle in our effort to entice atheists and unbelievers into becoming believers.
This becomes clear in the following hypothesis: In any large gathering, it is quite possible we can hear an individual express a desire to become a Christian.
Upon hearing such a statement, several people in the party will come forward.
One will say, "That's wonderful! Why don't you come to my church? I am a Catholic, and we...
" Another says, "Come to my church.
I am a Pentecostal, and we...
" Still another suggests, "I am a Presbyterian.
Come to my church, and we...
" Obviously, this barrage of diverse responses will not only disillusion the individual who expressed the desire, but will also influence him or her to remain just where they were.
The desire, after all, was to seek out a religious faith where they could find peace and purpose for their life.
Without doubt, when faced with such blatant dissension, they will conclude that adherence to the Christian faith is not conducive to peace and purpose.
In such a situation, the Christian witness of those who have spoken out is definitely at fault, because it would seem to confirm that we are a contentious and competitive lot, despite the fact that, in the Christian faith, peace beyond understanding is to be found in relationship with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.
Yes, a Christian does have purpose in life, that of gaining eternal life, Eternal Oneness with God.
Too often we lose sight of that truth when attempting to explain our faith to the newcomer.
Therefore it would serve us well to remember Our Lord's words: "Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for ruin.
" In light of that truth, it is necessary that we get to work and rectify our apparent disobedience to God's call for unity.
We must strive toward and achieve a cohesiveness, that we be ready to join Jesus when He returns to rid the Earth of evil.
As impossible as that undertaking may currently appear-that is, in this immoral, sophisticated, sin-filled world-let us remember that, with God's help, nothing is impossible.
We need only be alerted to and respond to His Presence within us and, through his Power, be fortified and strengthened in our efforts to unite.
We will come to realize that loss of face or pride in accepting or relinquishing certain practices, habits, and traditions does not matter.
What is really important is that, above all else, God has created each of us.
He sent His Son Jesus to tell us we are His sons and daughters, we are a part of Him, and He loves each of us equally.
We learn that it is up to each of us to love Him, and our ultimate goal is to become One with Him and all His Children.