How Can You Make Money Blogging?
As a matter of fact many are able to generate an income that allows them to do just about anything they wish to do.
The great thing about this news is that these are people like you and me, and if they can do it, then who is to stop you from doing it as well.
Blogs are extremely easy to set up, as they are user friendly, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS in order to get started.
On top of that, they are also free.
However, if you are seriously considering to make lots of money with your blog, then you should invest $10 into a domain name.
So How Can You Make Money They ways that you can make money with your blog are limited to your imagination, and you should use as many ways as possible without turning your blog into a spam blog.
Affiliate Ads One of the best ways to monetize your blog is with affiliate ads.
These should be ads that are related to the content which you have up on your blog, as this will ensure a higher click-through rate.
No matter what niche or market you are in, you will always be able to find a suitable affiliate program to promote.
Other ads like Google AdSense, Yahoo Ads and Kontera are also great ads to place on your blog.
Sell Stuff Selling stuff is another great way to make money.
These could be digital products which your readers can download instantly, or they can be physical products that you will need to ship.
If you do not have your own products, then you can always promote products that you are affiliated with by writing product reviews.
Another way you can obtain products is with dropshipping.
However, the amount of money you can make with dropshipping is quite small, so you may be better off by sticking with affiliate marketing.
Promote Your Other Sites Many bloggers simply use their blogs to generate traffic and sales for their other sites.
However, you again want to be careful that you do not overdo the linking to one particular site.
The more sites that you link to, the less likely your blog will be deemed as a spam blog.
Donations Donations are another way to make money with your blog.
But this is something that I do not recommend, as it makes you come across as a beggar.
It is acceptable however, if you are collecting for charity, but not for yourself.
If you want to be paid for your work, then you should create a piece of content, like an e-book, a tutorial that others may purchase.
Asking for donations lowers the value of your content.
If its worth buying, others will gladly pay.