How to Port an Intake Manifold
- 1). Remove the intake manifold from your vehicle and clean it thoroughly. If it is severely caked, send it to a professional cleaning service. Any contaminants not removed have the potential for destroying your engine.
- 2). Set the manifold up so that you have easy access in a well-lighted area. Use the wood blocks to help support the intake to make a solid work platform. This process requires a lot of hand work, so you want to have comfortable positioning.
- 3). Use the layout dye to paint around each port, then let it dry. Neatness is not important to the task, but will make final clean up easier.
- 4). Measure the height and width of the ports on the gasket. Transfer these measurements to the telescoping gauges for later use while opening the ports.
- 5). Bolt the new gasket to the intake manifold, line it up carefully. Using the metal scribe, indicate a line around the inside of each opening in the gasket. Make the mark deep enough to withstand minor abuse without being obscured. Remove the gasket to a safe place for later use in assembly.
- 6). Put on your safety glasses. Using the die grinder and carbide burr, carefully begin to remove material in the port until the opening is the same size as the scribe line. This maximizes the area for air flow. If you go oversize, you will negate all your work as the port in the head will introduce turbulence.
- 7). Use the sanding drums to smooth out the grinding marks from the burr. Work the opening back into the port as far as you can reach. Use the telescoping gauges to insure that you maintain the proper size but do not go oversize.
- 8). Work carefully with successively finer grits on the drum sander until all tool marks are removed and the walls are smooth and straight. Clean everything carefully to make sure you remove all debris.