AutoBlog Samurai Review - A Real User's Perspective
Created by Paul Ponna who is a Entrepreneur, Author and Software Developer who is responsible for creating some of the best software for Internet Marketers which include Magic List Bot and Miracle Traffic Bot amongst others.
There are four parts to the software: Keyword Samurai, Content Samurai, Blogger Samurai, and WordPress Samurai. Each component performs a separate function including finding keywords and adding content. What makes this software different from other auto blogging software on the market is that it will automatically add content to WordPress AND Blogger sites. Most only do it for WordPress.
It automatically sets up the WordPress blog so that it is SEO ready, and in only about 10 minutes you can have a website all ready to go. Normally a WordPress site can take up to an hour to configure as I go through all the settings. 10 minutes with AutoBlog Samurai and it is all done!
Hows that for time saving?
In relation to content on site this is the area that you should spend a bit more time re-editing so that it is 100% unique, therefore it will be more liked by Google and other search engines, AutoBlog Samurai has a comprehensive editor that you can use to change the content of the site as you want to.
How does it stack up?
Having a good autoblog software is and important tool that anyone who is serious about setting up a lot of WordPress sites should have. Most software falls short because of various reasons, especially when it comes to content. AutoBlog Samurai shows great promise. It easy to setup and use and provides a lot of options for tweaking and tuning it to your own individual needs. I give this software a B+. It ticks most of the boxes as far as setting up, is easy to use even for a newbie, but still needs a bit of work in a few areas.