Free PSP Games & Downloads
There is a big difference between free sites and PSP download sites that you need to pay a membership fee.
I personally recommend you bight the bullet and pay the once of fee with a reputable site, so you can take advantage of fast download speeds and not have to stress about spy ware on your PSP download sites.
There are also allot of Membership sites out there that will scam you out of further money by hitting you for more cash when you try downloading your PSP games.
For this reason i can not stress enough that you get educated on the right way to go about the whole process.
Before you even start downloading any files you need to make sure that the firmware on your PSP is the right version.
Version 1.
5 and below on your PSP is what you need in order to download your games successfully.
Many new PSP consoles do in fact come out with firmware higher than this, but don't let that stop you as there is software that you can use to downgrade your firmware.
Once you have downgraded your firmware you will be able to download till your heart is content, downloading games, movies and more.
As I said earlier there are sites that for around $50 you will have a life time supply of both games and movies.
I personally highly recommend this option as its stress free reliable and the PSP downloads will hit your comp at a ultra fast speed.
For those of you already have the correct firmware and are ready to get PSP games free for life after paying there once of fee for a lifetime supply of games & movies I suggest you read my reviews on PSP download sites.
The once of fee sites are by far the best in my opinion as there is a massive amount of games and movies that you can download and the speed is unreal.
OK would you like to see my top reviews on what I've found for free psp games on the internet ?