Easy Ways to Generate Traffic to Your Crochet Blog
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, all work great, but they take a lot of hard work and dedication in order to get a large following.
And until you get that large following, you won't get much traffic from those sites.
But it isn't all doom and gloom as there are many places online that you can go to in order to get immediate traffic.
These places require a bit of work on your behalf, but nevertheless, they will pay off quick.
Forums CrochetVille.
CrochetVille has long been one of my favorite online forums.
It is a great place to post your patterns and you usually get a fairly decent response.
The forum is very easy to navigate and it only takes a few minutes to post your link.
This is another one of the forums that I signed up with.
It is not nearly as active as CrochetVille, but the way I see it is that it gets me another link to my site.
(The more the merrier, right?) And as I said before, it only takes a few minutes to add a link.
This is another great forum.
It is a very high traffic site and posting just one link will get you good long-term results.
The only thing with this forum is that it is a bit more difficult to navigate, which is because there is so much more to do on the site.
Also, it takes a bit longer to upload your link because you need to fill in additional information about your pattern, such as the material required, the finished measurement and other information that you might want to share.
All forms must be answered or at least contain some content in order for the link to upload.
If any form is left blank, the link won't upload.
So if you find some patterns that have a whole list of links pointing to the same page, you'll know why.
Crochet Pattern Directories.
Another thing that you can do is submit your patterns to a crochet directory.
Crochet directories will generally accept all patterns that you submit to them, and the great thing about them is that they will send you targeted traffic.
My absolute favorite crochet pattern directory is crochetpatterncentral.
It is by far the largest online crochet directory, and getting your pattern in there will serve you very well.
The immediate results are absolutely fantastic as your link will be added to the new pattern list.
Then after a few weeks the traffic tapers, but you still get a high amount of visitors.
Start Your Own Directory.
And if time permits, you can always start your own directory.
This actually takes a lot of work on your behalf, but doing so will pay off in the long run and you won't regret it.
The beauty of starting your own directory is that you can feature your own patterns above anyone else's.
You are in control of the site, which means that you can feature your patterns in the side bars, at the bottom or wherever you like in order to get extra traffic.