Who Are You As A Christian?
Goliath being that huge signifies the biggest problem or temptation that you can face as a Christian. And the fact that no one from Israel stood up against him, signifies that the problem might seem to be without hope. Now this is where I want to draw your attention to, despite Goliath had all the qualities of a perfect soldier (a really tough problem), God decided to use David to defeat him. This has a huge significance to us as Christians.
David was young, this refers to new Christians, weak, refers to Christians that have little faith and he was a shepherd boy, this refers to Christians who are not very rich and have a simple life. The weapons he used to defeat Goliath also have some significance to your life as a Christian. The catapult is simple, any one can make and have one, this refers to the Word of God, every Christian has been given the power to read and understand the Bible. The stone is common, can be found every where, this still refers to the Bible, you can easy get a Bible even if you have no money.
Now, what does all these mean to you as a Christian? It doesn't matter if you are a new Christian or your faith is weak. When faced with a problem, no matter how hopeless it may seem, the weapon you need is already by you. And it is easy to get and relatively easy to read and understand. Furthermore, every Christian has been given the power of attorney to use the name of Jesus. As Christians, this is the weapon of our warfare and our hope in God. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
The New Life In Christ!