The Latest on Casey Anthony
So, what happened to Casey Anthony? On July 17th, she was released with credit for good behavior and time served. During the trial, Casey was facing death penalty. Even before the verdict, a lot of people were convinced that Casey Anthony is guilty but with the court's decision, Casey was able to prove her innocence in the first degree murder. Defendants in the US were convinced that the trial was a good example of unfair pretrial publicity.
The latest on Casey Anthony is that she signed a certain book deal to reveal the father of Caylee. The book will be written by Casey and a ghost writer will help her. Sources claim that Casey took advantage of the deal because she can't accept book signings.
The said deal allowed Casey Anthony to get a cash advance in six figures! There was also news about a judge requiring Anthony to come back to Orange County to face the check fraud conviction and face probation for a year. Judge Belvin Perry also upheld such order. The attorneys of Anthony are going to file an appeal on the said order. Just in case Anthony is to return for probation, she needs to land a job. The book deal that she had just signed can already fulfill the job requirement.
If you're looking for Casey Anthony latest news,all you have to do is search online. There are lots of websites that offer information about the controversial Anthony. With the latest order on Anthony returning to Orange County for serving the probation, her attorneys are already planning to get an appeal. The legal team claims that Anthony has already served the probation for the check fraud while the trial was still ongoing.
It was in 2010 when Casey Anthony was convicted because of check fraud. The innocent mistake of the judge has led to the order that was released on Friday. The term probation pertains to the behavior of a person while outside of prison, not when still locked up. People are looking forward to the result of the appeal.
Just in case the legal team of Casey Anthony wins, Anthony will no longer serve probation. Because of a technical error, Anthony will get away with the probation but if she's unlucky, she needs to return to Orange County.
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