How to Remove the Title From the Homepage on WordPress
- 1). Open your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Appearance." If the designer of your theme was thoughtful, you will find a subcategory here for customizing your homepage. Open this control panel and find the section that relates to the homepage title. Delete any text entered in this box by default. Save your change. Check your WordPress site in another browser window to see if the default text title is gone. Repeat this operation for any subtitles that are also filled in by default. If you do not find such a customizing option available, click on "Appearance/Editor" instead.
- 2). Look on the right-hand side of the Editor page and find the "Homepage" or "Index" PHP file. Click to open this file inside the large editing box. Click the "Ctrl" and the "F" keys on your keyboard at the same time to open a search box. Type in "Title" or "title" and conduct a search for this entry inside this PHP code. You can also search by typing in the offending title itself, such as "Welcome to My Blog." The search shows you the location of the title functions or the title text itself inside the PHP code.
- 3). Examine this code snippet or line. Look for a ">" or a ">/" symbol at the end of the line of code pertaining to the title. Place your cursor at the end of this line of code and very slowly highlight the code back to the front of the code line where the "<" symbol is located. You want to isolate just this particular line of code and remove it without removing any other code symbols or fragments. Do not remove the code by pressing the "Delete" key on your keyboard. Instead, "cut" it out by pressing "Ctrl" and "X" at the same time. This takes the code off the page and saves it to your clipboard. Save your changes but do not exit the editor page.
- 4). Open another browser window and go to your WordPress blog site. If you removed the correct line of code, the title is now gone. Go back to the dashboard editor page, which is still open, and close the page. If the title is not gone, or if something is wrong with the page layout now, navigate back to the open editor page and paste -- by pressing "Ctrl" and "V" at the same time -- the saved code back where it was located before you cut it. Save the PHP code and check your layout. Everything should be back to normal again. If it isn't, use an FTP program to reload this original PHP file from the original set of theme files you used when you first loaded WordPress to your server. Find the original "Homepage" or "Index" PHP file and load it to your WordPress "wp-admin" folder. This restores the file to its original state and restores your WordPress theme appearance.