Saving Your Marriage - What is My Role in it All?
But the attitude and approach taken by those involved will determine whether the relationship can be saved or not.
If you're going through turbulence in your marriage and the relationship is collapsing, but hasn't yet, you can still do something to rekindle the love and save it.
You've really got to be open to advice, tips, and counsel that can help salvage your relationship.
If you're serious about making things work again, and your spouse is also showing willingness to rebuild the union, then things may turn out fine.
You may be saying, "Oh, but you don't understand.
My spouse is as good as a stranger to me now!" Yes, that's exactly how it feels when a relationship is about to hit rock bottom.
However, remember that you can turn a total stranger into your closest friend! It's possible.
It will take time.
But most importantly, you have to initiate the steps and put in the effort that's required.
You have a part to play in it all.
One of the ways to begin the journey in saving your relationship is by laying your hands on love and relationship resources, both in electronic form and hard copy.
Get relationship books specifically targeted at restoring love in marriages.
Now, you really have to make sure the authors of the books you choose are authorities on relationships.
Some of them must have gone through similar or worse scenarios in their own relationships.
Therefore, they can tell you how they were able to sail through and save their marriages.
Also, there are other resources that will help you understand some personality traits in your partner and how you can build a healthy relationship.
You should also consider seeking counsel from marriage experts.
Make sure you look for a way to get your partner involved in the effort to make the relationship work again.
Seek counsel together, from someone who can help to spark up the love again! If you go for counseling, be as open as you can, don't keep anything back and give the information the counselor needs to help advise you properly.
Be frank and open about the areas where you are hurting, rather than keeping the information back.
If both partners can try to live up to their marriage vows it can go a long in helping them be successful.
Many times people seem to easily forget their vows or treat them as a mere formality.
If you really meant for better or worse, then you shouldn't quit when things go get worse! You can look back to your wedding day and remember the oath you took to make it work despite all odds.
It's up to you to take the necessary steps to rekindle the love in your marriage and save it from hitting a wall! Put the past behind you and bury your grievances.
You will likely see your relationship bounce back again in no time.