Reasons To Grow Your Own Garden
It is also good exercise that can help you to stay in shape.
In addition, it also gives you a chance for some fresh air, which is essential for good health.
Freshness One of the main reasons to grow your own garden is to have fresh produce at your finger tips throughout the summer months.
The stuff that is found in groceries stores, and even at farmers markets has been sitting for at least a day if not close to a week, or even longer before it gets into your hands.
Fresh produce begins to lose its freshness as soon as it is picked.
As a result, the taste and vital nutrients are also lost.
The tastier the foods, the more they will get eaten in fresh salads.
As a result other not so healthy foods can be reduced or avoided altogether.
In addition, nutrition is also important, as the more nutrients that are contained in the fruits and vegetables the less you will eat.
The less you have to eat in order to obtain the nutrients that your body requires, the easier it is on your digestive system.
This basically leaves you with more energy, as your body still gets its nutrients, but doesn't have to work as hard to get at them.
No Harmful Chemicals Growing your own garden also allows you to have full control over the use of pesticides.
Studies indicate that pesticides and other chemicals on the fresh produce can have negative effects on the overall health of the body.
You also have the choice over what type of fertilizer you will use.
If you have room for a garden, then most likely you will also have room for a composting bin.
Composting allows you to collect the scraps from fruits and vegetables, and recycle them into a natural fertilizer.
This will not only help your produce to grow, but will add vital nutrients to the plants as well.
Health Reasons Being out in the garden also has numerous health benefits.
The fresh air alone can have enormous benefits not only on the physical body, but on the mind as well.
In addition to the air, the smell of the soil can also help to stimulate the mind.
Another benefit is the physical exercise that you can obtain by gardening.
The bending, kneeling and lifting are great ways to maintain flexibility within the muscles and joints, as well as help to build new muscle cells.