Post-Divorce Confidence
This isn't unusual and you shouldn't feel like you are alone.
You committed yourself to your marriage, and your hopes and dreams followed.
To now be faced with its ending is a devastating blow that often leaves women feeling exhausted, hopeless and confused.
I am going to ask you to not let that worry you, because, like millions of women before you, you will recover from this and you can rebuild your self-confidence to be even stronger than it was before.
How Did You Get Here? Looking at the current state of your self-confidence, you may wonder when you stopped believing in yourself.
Your level of confidence is the sum total of many things, including all of the feedback you have received about yourself since the day you were born.
It is likely that you experienced a few chips to your confidence prior to and during your marriage, which finally took a larger chunk out of your confidence when you divorced.
You need to understand this in order to figure out how it arrived to be so low.
Figuring out how to raise it involves an understanding that there is work to be done on the inside from here on.
Right now - today - you have the power to do just that! The Consequences of Low Self-Confidence: If you know that your confidence is low and you neglect doing anything about it, you are placing your entire future and the future of your children at risk.
Your confidence determines your zest for life.
It determines how you face challenges, how you allow others to treat you, the decisions you make, your levels of career and educational achievements, and much more.
If you have young children, it is important to model a healthy self-confidence, which helps in building theirs as well.
Even without children, though, it is important to realize the dangers of low self-confidence and work to heighten yours on a daily basis.
Your entire future depends on it.
How to Build Confidence: Congratulations on taking the first step to rebuilding your confidence.
That step, of course, is realizing that it has suffered and that you need to do something about it.
Other activities that will help you improve include:
- Take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses.
Even invite the opinions of those you trust to help you assess these.
Determine to correct your weaknesses and to build on your strengths. - Stop negative self-talk.
Your marriage may have failed, but you are not a failure.
Do not mentally drag yourself down with negative statements about yourself.
Instead, practice making positive affirmations.
Turn, "I can't get ahead in life" into "I am a powerful woman who is fully capable of achieving every goal I set.
" - Read self-improvement books and articles.
The world is full of people who have overcome challenges and who have documented their experiences to help others.
Reading these will encourage you and will offer you useful tips that you can apply to your life.
Many of these can be found online and there are even websites where you can interact with women online who have overcome confidence issues after divorce. - Get help from a professional life coach.
A coach will help you figure out what caused you to lose your self confidence and move you into a powerful place where you will see yourself achieving what you never thought possible before.
You didn't get divorced so that you could live a life of low-energy, sadness and defeat.
Yes, you have been through a terrible ordeal, but it is behind you now and it is time for you to live the best life right now.
What one step will you take this week from the list above?