Some Information Is Not Worth The Blog It Was Written On!
Often they are directed to a blog, but the question is how valuable is this information and who is checking the data to see if it is correct or not? Some information is not worth the blog is written on and some of the information you read was not written by the blog owner at all, it was stolen or lifted off of someone else's web site and pasted onto theirs.
We call this plagiarism.
If someone has such low ethics to steal the content, they probably are not smart enough to know if it is correct or not either.
Those who steal information or make up stuff and insist that it is factual are doing a complete disservice to the Internet and to the Internet surfer.
There's not much we can do about the information that is written on blogs and therefore someone has to wonder if it is even worth having a blog of your own because eventually no one will trust anything you write.
If the information you are writing was factual why would you need to put it on a blog why wouldn't you write it in a book or a research report? Although science in academia has their own problems with faked data and falsified research papers.
The fact is you really cannot trust humans or what they say and a blog is an informal type of writing which is very much similar to how humans communicate through speech.
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