Bipolar Disorder Information That Can Help Sufferers of the Condition
It's difficult for many people who aren't suffering from the condition to really understand it, but the sufferers of bipolar disorder experience it and know exactly how it feels.
Not pleasant, I'd tell you.
You see, the confidence of a bipolar-disorder patient may cause them to have certain delusions of grandeur.
Nostalgia, a far different symptom - say on an opposite pole - may set in very shortly after, and you may begin to wonder if you are speaking to the same person.
This symptom is what has resulted sometimes in the disease being misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.
Mania in bipolar-disorder may cause you to be irrationally, unjustly and unfairly impatient with someone that you care about.
Sure you are suffering from a disease, but that is not immediately apparent to them, and that abrasiveness can drive them away from you.
It is such symptoms that cause a lot of sufferers to go through life alone.
One symptom of bipolar type of disorder that often occurs on both poles of the condition is untold frustration.
Of course it happens for different reasons in either phase, and of course it manifests in different ways too.
When manic, you will tend to be physically abusive as a result, and when depressive you will instead want to kick yourself in the head.
You may find a sufferer of this disorder often behaving in socially inappropriate ways time and time again.
It is not strange to have them think irrationally either.
It is at times like this that they often show impaired judgment about even the most basic things.
Beware of symptoms like these, because they rarely end well.
Not pleasant, I'd tell you.
You see, the confidence of a bipolar-disorder patient may cause them to have certain delusions of grandeur.
Nostalgia, a far different symptom - say on an opposite pole - may set in very shortly after, and you may begin to wonder if you are speaking to the same person.
This symptom is what has resulted sometimes in the disease being misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.
Mania in bipolar-disorder may cause you to be irrationally, unjustly and unfairly impatient with someone that you care about.
Sure you are suffering from a disease, but that is not immediately apparent to them, and that abrasiveness can drive them away from you.
It is such symptoms that cause a lot of sufferers to go through life alone.
One symptom of bipolar type of disorder that often occurs on both poles of the condition is untold frustration.
Of course it happens for different reasons in either phase, and of course it manifests in different ways too.
When manic, you will tend to be physically abusive as a result, and when depressive you will instead want to kick yourself in the head.
You may find a sufferer of this disorder often behaving in socially inappropriate ways time and time again.
It is not strange to have them think irrationally either.
It is at times like this that they often show impaired judgment about even the most basic things.
Beware of symptoms like these, because they rarely end well.