I Want to Make Him Love Me - Then You Need to Know This
Don't waste your time on them.
But plenty of men do want a strong and loving relationship with a woman.
And here's how to get one of them.
Many women put loads of money and hours upon hours making themselves look great, and while looking good is indeed important, some of these women completely neglect their true being.
They go on dates relying simply on their looks to pull them through, but if there is no fun interaction with the guy, no lively conversation and no sense of connection, the guy will get bored and move on, no matter how great the woman looks.
Before setting out into the dating world, find what you have going on for yourself.
Are you passionate about your career? Does your volunteer work fulfill you? Do you enjoy sports or hobbies that fascinate you? And through all this, are you happy and bringing a positive attitude when you set out to meet a man.
A woman who is woe-is-me, tired, down, and just all around dreary isn't going to catch the attention of many men.
Guys want to have fun when they're on a date, they don't want to have to continually cheer you up and try to get you to have some fun.
While we all have our bad days and everything isn't always rosy, starting a relationship with one problem after another is a surefire way of sending the guy running.
Share with him the great things you enjoy and let him see that your life is rich and full outside of him.
Perhaps even invite him along and let him see the various aspects of who you are.
It will give him a well-rounded impression of you and he'll leave the date impressed by your interests, abilities, smarts and/or courage.
Give him something to be proud of and remember to have good times with him.
That way, you'll get him to fall in love with you.