How to Win Back Her Love - The 4 Essential Dos and Don"ts of Getting Her Back
Here are a few things you should do as well as the things you should definitely avoid doing when you are trying to get her back.
#1 Don't scare her by acting like a stalker If you are the type who constantly follows your ex wherever she goes, then you might definitely be scaring her.
No matter how much she thinks she knows you, this is enough to make her feel like you're acting out of hand.
There is a right way and a wrong way to bump into your ex and bumping to her almost everyday is not just right.
#2 Do try and learn what made her fall out of love Why did your previous relationship with her flopped? You have to know so that you will be able to devise the right strategy to make her fall in love once again.
There are a lot of possible reasons but the most common problem in relationships is probably the loss of the romantic spark as well as the realization that she cannot live with some of your not-so-pleasant habits.
#3 Do try to improve yourself This is related to number 2.
Once you have isolated the things that may have caused to rift between the two of you, you should not just set it aside and say that it's best if you start anew.
Before you can convince her to love you back, she should see how much you have changed for the better.
Despite whatever changes you will do to yourself, make her feel that you are still being yourself.
#4 Don't do anything that would make you look bad At this point, she's very sensitive with regards her opinion of you.
Don't do anything that would make her feel that she made the right decision when she left you.
Once she have reaffirmed her decision, you will have a hard time convincing her that you are not the bad guy.
Use them as a guide in making a decision how to win back her love.
They would make it easier for you to devise a way how to woe her again.