How to Break-Up With Your Girlfriend
Do it in person. Never ever attempt to break-up through phone, SMS or email. It is very rude. The least you can do is be man enough and do it personally. Being chicken is not an option.
No bad feelings. Don't lash out on your girlfriend and enumerate why she's to blame your relationship didn't work. You might want to point it out but do it calmly. Also, after the break-up do not brag about to you friends or trash talk her behind her back. Let go of the bad feelings and move on.
There's no turning back. Let it be final. It's pathetic to break-up and then call her up after a week begging to give it a second chance. Before deciding to end it, think and long hard and realize if this is really what you want. Take time to heal before dating others. This process is the most difficult, so slowly let go of the pain and remain friends.
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