How to Clean Automobile Electrical Wire With Muratic Acid
- 1). Remove the wires from the car.
- 2). Ensure that you have a supply of water on hand. You should also have baking soda in case you spill acid on yourself.
- 3). Prepare a bucket of muriatic acid. Put a gallon of water into the bucket and add a little less than one cup of acid, about three quarters of a cup. Always add acid to water, never water to acid.
- 4). Dip your wires into the bucket. Leave them in the bucket; the time required will vary, but keep a close eye on the wires. The process may take up to an hour.
- 5). Remove the wires from the bucket using a tool, like a tongs or strainer. Rinse thoroughly with water.
- 6). Neutralize the remaining acid. Never pour acid solutions down a drain or into the ground. Mix baking soda with water in a large bucket and pour the acid mixture in. When the fizzing stops and there is a coating on the bottom of the bucket, the acid is neutralized and is safe to pour down a drain. You can also find a waste water treatment plant, which may accept muriatic acid, in which case they will process it safely.