Tools For Auto Repair - Craftsman Spark Plug Hole Thread Chaser
If your car is more than a few years old chances are a number of different mechanics have worked on it. Some may have been gentle, but some may not have been so loving. Chances are you will find things that have been overworked like stripped bolts, over-tightened lugs, or the dreaded stripped out spark plug hole. The worst thing people do when the spark plug is going in a little tight is turn the wrench that much harder and force it in.
If a spark plug is going in hard, that is probably what the last guy did, and this is why it is stripping out. A lot of time there is just some dirt or grime in the hole, making it hard to get the plug in. But sometimes what is making the hole tight are metal shavings or crossed threads from the last muscle man to work on your car. This is where the Craftsman Spark Plug Hole Thread Chaser can come in handy. It cleans out both the dirt and grime that may be in the hole as well as ever so lovingly straightening the threads that may be a little off. This is one of those tools that adds about five minutes to the job but can save you a lot of heartache. A good tool to have and at $6.99 it is money well spent. It also works on oxygen sensor holes.