Comments And Replies to Blog Posts And Articles
Most of us that blog and write articles are happy to receive comments about our work when someone has read it.
We set up the reply/leave comment section and the do follow so that people can leave their thoughts about the articles.
Nice job or nice article or I like your stuff may not be considered a comment to a blog.
The question is, did that person even read the blog? The chances are very good that they did not.
They are just looking for a link back to their blog in an attempt to make Google believe that they have a large following.
With an article something short like those statements above are nice to receive because an article is not really rewarding the person giving the comment as far as Google is concerned.
If you are going to comment on a blog post or article take the time to read the article.
Add a point of interest in the comment section.
You do not need to agree with the writer.
If you feel there is another way to look at the subject, write briefly about your point of view.
If you enjoyed the article, make a note and add a little comment of your own.
Use spellchecker and complete sentences so that they make sense and reflect on the article you are commenting on.
We are all here to share information and help each other as we go along.
We will refer others to someone who has commented on a blog post, if we feel they have something that would be of interested to our readers.
Personally I will not send anyone to an adult site.
A lot of Blog owners will not approve a comment that has a link in it to a product that someone is selling.
If your selling something, write a good comment, get approved so that others can see your comment.
If you created interest,readers will go to your site and that is where you present your products.
If you really feel that you have a lot to say about the subject you are reading, don't write a 300 or 400 word comment.
Contact the person who's blog you are reading and ask if they would be interested in "Guest Blogging" on each others site.
It could be fun, It will give you a chance to be seen and heard by their readers and your readers with them.
However their comment section is not the place for your guest blog post.
Next time you read a good article or blog post, leave a little comment and let the author know how you feel about the article.
We really do review the comments.