Does Your Blog Have a Business Development Strategy?
Let's look at 3 simple tactics you can use when posting blog updates that will help you achieve greater financial success as a blogger!
Join a List
By placing a simple request for readers to opt in at the conclusion of any blog update you can capture their contact information! The advantage this tactic gives you is that if people are reading this request you obviously already have their attention! Additionally by virtue of anyone reading your entire post you can assume they like what you have composed and therefore may be interested in seeing more of what you have to offer! This simple strategy can have a serious and positive effect on your ability to build a mailing list!
Spread the Word
Social networking is not only popular, but also a highly effective way to increase your exposure online! Tapping into the limitless potential viral marketing has to offer is an undeniable and very efficient way to create a dominant awareness of you or your business! Simply asking readers to 'share' what you have posted by using any easy to access 'networking' tabs you make available to them is simply genius! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain with this particular approach!
Leave a Comment
People quite often first look at any comments they may see upon landing on various blogging platforms! This is a 'barometer' of sorts many use to quickly verify how popular the site may be and being that social proof like this is even considered, whether it's right or wrong, gives comments value! Asking viewers their opinions or even for suggestions at the end of your blog updates serves to encourage them to leave a comment! In fact the more people you have doing so, the more others will be inclined to join in as well!
Having a business development strategy when blogging serves to only help accelerate your success on the internet! Two major keys to your success involve increasing your exposure online and also your ability to effectively build a mailing list! When blogging you can easily use your own blog updates to help accomplish these tasks and this is the focus of our discussion here today! Two of the most critical components you'll need to be successful are both addressed above and can be achieved by using these simple tactics! That is your exposure online and your ability to effectively build a mailing list! For just a teeny bit more effort at the end of each post you stand to benefit tenfold! What do you think?