Become A Behavior Analyst - BCABA
BCABA, Board Certified Associate Behavior Analysis details:
The details and the eligibility standards for the BCABA are explained below.
€ The applicant is entitled to take the BCABA if he has enough education under his belt. A bachelor degree is the desired level of education for the BCABA, Board Certified Associate Behavior Analysis.
€ All the questions asked in the BCABA are of the same type i.e. multiple choice questions. The number of questions asked in the varies with the edition. For the 3rd edition, the total number of questions is 132 while for the 4th edition, the total number of questions is 130. Moreover the BCABA might include 10 pilot questions adding up to the total number of questions. The total time for the BCABA is 4 hours. During this time, the taker has to understand the BACB terms and conditions and accept them. He has to attempt all the questions during this time and he won't be awarded any extra time whatsoever.
€ The is web based. The taker has to solve the whole on the computer. Since 2015, all the BCABA s will be based on the 4th edition.
General rules for the BCABA, Board Certified Associate Behavior Analysis taker:
Following is a brief list of the common rules for the BCABA certification.
€ The taker isn't allowed to bring any sorts of reference material with him. Tape recorders, Cameras and textbooks are among the prohibited items.
€ The taker is not allowed to have any visitors during the 4 hour duration of the. Moreover the taker is expected to be at the center 30 minutes prior to the start of the.
€ The taker isn't allowed to ask any questions during the time. If he has any queries, he must discuss it first with the instructor.
€ The taker isn't allowed to bring food or beverages with him. He is allowed to go to the restroom. However, his fingerprints will be taken and will be verified when he returns.
€ The candidate will get his results within 45 days of the itself. The applicants who failed to pass the will be given the details of the correctly answered questions. All this information will be available at the BACB website.
€ In order to apply for the, the taker can visit the BACB website, choose the BCABA course, pay the fee and that's about it. He will be told about the center, time and date.
€ There are a lot of study guides available on the internet. Moreover, there are a lot of quizzes as well. The applicant is shown the question and he has to answer it. This way, the candidate can assess his skills and decide whether or not, he is ready for the.