Work Hard And Make Money By Blogging As Your Consolation Prize
Keep in mind, not all of them have quality content and some might even be a waste of time so be sure not to get blinded by all those propaganda offering instant richness! Make Money By Blogging Tip: There is no such thing as overnight success Yes, sorry to burst your bubble and wishful thinking but this is the fact! You can't just set up your website today and expect millions of people rush in and increase your traffic like crazy the next day.
No, that's not how it works.
It is gradual and depending on how much effort you put into your site that brings people to come and view your blog.
You might get discouraged if you discover on your blog's statistics that you only have ten to twenty people a day viewing your blog posts.
You shouldn't be sad, in fact you should be thankful that people, no matter how small in number, still finds the time to read your blog post.
It doesn't mean that your blog sucks; it only means that you lack effort in bringing traffic to your site.
So use this opportunity or incident to fire up your passion to get people to come and visit your blog by blog commenting, guest blogging, joining social networks, forum posting and anything you possibly can think of.
Remember when you have no readers; then you won't make money by blogging.
Get it? Make Money By Blogging Tip: Constantly update your blog Aside from readers will want fresh contents and a good read from time to time, constantly updating your blog will make Google search engine love you too! You don't want to offer your readers the same blog post they saw a week ago; they would want something new, something fun, and something informative.
The reason they keep on coming back to your blog is that they want to learn something like a follow-up from the previous post they viewed the last time.
So always update your blog and you might even get loyal subscribers on your list.
If you already have a number of subscribers, be sure to give them an extra treat from time to time.
It will make them want to visit your blog more often and maybe encourage their friends and families to subscribe because of the bonuses that you'll be providing.
Bonuses such a nice mini-series or a collection of tips or stories will really get your readers to subscribe.
You can even hold a nice friendly contest on whoever can give the best comment can win a book from Amazon or anything you could think of, just be creative and surely you'll get people to overcome their internet commenting shyness and maybe comment once or twice on your blog posts too!