How to Use the Law of Attraction - the Simple Version
You already use the law of attraction every day. Unfortunately your current projection might be resulting in exactly the opposite of what you really want.
Worrying and complaining about something will actually cause events, circumstances, and people that reflect your complaint or worry to enter your life. The good news is you can quickly and easily reverse this cycle and begin to create results that fulfill and invigorate you!
This simple formula works every time, but you may need to practice a bit in order to get the hang of it. Just follow the steps below and you'll be on your way to the life of your dreams.
Be Grateful For Your Current Life
The first step in using the law of attraction is to be grateful and give thanks for what you have right now. Forget about what's missing in your life and focus in big-time on what's going right for you.
Please understand none of the other steps will work without this one in place! So start looking at what you love and enjoy about your current life and really focus on it every day.
Fill your thoughts with what is currently working and what you are really glad to have in your life. It doesn't matter if these things seem small; make them huge in your attention.
You could be grateful for your computer and Internet connection. You could be thrilled by your favorite pair of shoes, or by your morning coffee, or by your healthy lungs or any number of other things that apply to you.
Have Fun As Much As Possible
The second step to using the law of attraction is to have fun as much as humanly possible during your everyday life. Embrace any opportunity to smile and find joy in your life and the people around you.
Again it doesn't matter how seemingly small the focus of your fun is. Just do it!
Have fun driving to work. Enjoy your lunch break. Savor your food. Hang around people who can make you laugh.
Absolutely immerse yourself in as much joy and fun as humanly possible.
Visualize And Affirm Non-Stop
Once you are in a state of gratitude and having fun, the only thing left to do is visualize the things you want as if they are already yours and affirm constantly that even greater things are on the way to you now. Don't concentrate on the absence of the things you want, instead focus on the process of these things coming your way in every moment and even pretend to already have and be the things you desire.
Read the above three steps for using the law of attraction again. They actually form a very tight formula for successful manifestation that can never be defeated.
As stated previously you might need a little practice before feeling strong with these steps. But they have worked for millions of people around the world and continue to work even as you read this article.
Using the law of attraction in your life does not have to be a serious, difficult undertaking. In fact it probably won't work if you try to make it heavy and serious.
Relax, have fun, and let go. The part of you that knows you deserve greatness will emerge and take over after you've spent a little time with the above steps.