9 Reasons Those Who Have Reached Spiritual Enlightenment Make Better Mates

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If you are tired of dating the same type of guy or gal and wondering where the ideal mate could be hiding, give those who have reached spiritual enlightenment a try.
You will find many of the complaints associated with the general dating pool can be alleviated by seeking out one of these people.
Read on to find out more.
1) They live in the present.
They are not stuck in the past and reminding you of your past mistakes.
They are also not so focused on the future that they cannot appreciate the here and now.
2) They are comfortable with being their authentic selves.
There is no need for these individuals to be anyone other than who they are.
There will be no surprises about who you are really dating after the relationship gets too comfortable.
3) They do not analyze everything you do to determine how it relates to them.
They know everything is not about them.
4) They are comfortable enough with themselves to truly be there for you in the good times and the bad.
These people don't have white knight syndrome, nor do they need to compare themselves to anyone.
They will wipe your tears when you are sad and delight in your accomplishments.
5) They believe in fair energy exchange.
It is natural for them to want to contribute equally in a relationship.
6) They don't try to avoid emotions that make them uncomfortable, but see them as an opportunity to learn more about themselves.
That means less guessing games, distractions, and impulsive behavior.
7) They tend to be balanced and guided by what is dedicated to their highest good.
To lay people, that means they are less likely to stray due to their inner turmoil and understand poor behavior has karmic repercussions.
8) They understand that to truly make anyone happy, you need to make yourself happy first.
They have done the work to reach happiness, contentment, peace and even a passionate life.
Less baggage on their part means a lighter relationship for their mate.
9) They are passionate people and that carries over in the bedroom too! Yay for you if you are with one! If this Valentine's Day has you searching for your perfect mate and the above sounds good to you, avoid the bars and check out a yoga class, spiritual center or go to the book store in the spiritual section.
Beware though; if you haven't done the work yourself, you will have to be willing to grow to stay with one of these enlightened species.
Once you win their heart, you will find you have a love affair that you thought only existed in fairytales.
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