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Books & Literature : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How Not to Write an eBook in 7 Days

EBooks are hot, hot, hot. They are everywhere and in every topic. And it's easy to do. So why not write any eBook? It's a great way to express yourself, to get your thoughts and ...

Really should You Hire a Wedding Photography Intern?

A chemical reaction with hydrogen fuel generates electrical energy by converting the hydrogen gasoline to electrical ability. Hydrogen fuel cells are environmentally pleasant as their sole waste product is drinking water, but contradictory vitality is ...

Uses Of Reflective Writing

Reflective writing is a form of meditative storytelling. Reflection refers to the mental process by which we gain emotional insight. This technique has several uses. For people in the educational and helping professions, this type ...

Ideas for Binding a Poetry Book

Homemade books can be bound in a wide variety of ways, from the very basic to the highly creative. A hand-bound book of poetry, be it written by yours truly or copied from the pages of a professional, makes a thoughtful gift or memorable keepsake. Visual presentation is an important aspect of book b

The Beauty and Magic of Makeup and Hollywood

These days most girls put on their makeup 1st issue in the morning and consider it off the very last factor at evening.Designs and Hollywood stars are that rarified breed of folks who always glimpse ...

How to Get an Essay on NPR

If you've listened to much public radio at all, odds are you've heard one of those essays on "Morning Edition" or "All Things Considered" about someone's tomato garden, or the old dog that helped them be brave in some way or another and said, "I can write one of those!" Well, perhaps you can...

The Right Choice for Printing Marketing Collateral

Brochure printing and 4 color printing are useful and popular modes of printing in the business world today. These types of printing not only help to create a wider customer base, but also to educate ...

Programs Of Games - The Options

" then the direction is changed and also everyone has to say "Ducky Fuzz". Software to change IP address is available, but you've got to be sure you know how to use it, and which ...

How to Move E-Books From Overdrive to Stanza

"Overdrive" is a digital rights management (DRM) platform, provided to several different retailers and libraries for renting or selling e-books. DRM prevents e-books from being transferred freely between different devices, but this can easily be stripped away with third party e-book manage


A gallery of the popular X-Men characters from Marvel Comics. See the teams, characters, and villains of the X-Men universe.

The Best Superhero Couples

Superhero couples aren't like normal couples. Because they are superheros, they are faster, stronger and better looking than any other couples. Their tight clothes ripple alluringly when they move, and their voices shake the rafters during marital squabbles. The best superhero couples are those that

Ways of Producing A Book

Every writer yearns and dreams to obtain their bestselling book at a particular time on their occupation. But how can they practice it? Is there a magic formula beyond having and receiving a excellent published ...

How to systemize and simplify your life.

How to systemize and simplify your life. During thirty years as a time management speaker and consultant, I Have learned and shared a lot of simple practices that help my Audiences to increase their daily ...

How to derive the fundamental thermodynamic relation

If the Greek letter delta (") means "change," or "very small change in," then the fundamental thermodynamic relation for a physical system is "U = T"S - P"V. Here, "U is the change in internal energy of the system, T is its temperature, S is its entropy, P is the pressure it exerts on its surroundin