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Radio & Television : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Characters of Glee - Part 2

Glee has quickly become a television phenomenon with its controversial story lines, upbeat song and dance numbers and of course, its stellar cast. Take a look at some of the compelling main characters that make Glee such a success.

CCTV Takes Prime Time

There must be a little peeping tom in everyone or at least in the people who are watching television.The popularity of closed circuit television (CCTV) and reality programs seems to prove this to be true.


Picture of Randall the zombie helping Mark, who is handcuffed to the bed, on Ugly Americans.

Game of Thrones- The latest fantasy sensation

'It mostly started at the beginning of the millennium with the film adaptations of the Harry Potter and the Lord of the rings. 14 years on and the popularity of fantasy novels is stronger than ever. '

Vampire's - Fact or Fiction?

Far from being a modern subject, or just a theme for Halloween outfits, the idea of vampires walking among us actually dates back to the decade of 1720 to 1730, which ended when the Habsburg Dynasty exhumed the bodies of two men suspected of being vampires, and were apparently unable to prove or dis

Cricket channels in USA, wanting a TV provider

Cricket as a sport is rarely seen in United States, it is therefore many Americans do not even know the rules that are applied during the play. Cricket in USA is not a famous game and for this reason

Desperate Housewives Season 7 Episode 14 - Flashback

Tonight's episode Entitled 'flasback'Lynette fights back when her mother (guest star Polly Bergen as Stella) tries to force the Scavos to pose for a family portrait with her obnoxious new hus

Add Effects to Make Your Beautiful Memories the Perfect

We capture images to have the beautiful memories for our life time, but these beautiful captured pictures may not be perfect sometimes. Why are not those memories perfect? What does anyone need to make them ...

Top 3 Thriller Movies You Should See

If thriller movies excite you, there are three top films currently playing in theaters you should see. Check out the new movie trailer for each of these three movies for a sneak peak of each gripping film!

Runco Projectors

Runco projectors claim to be the one of the finest addition to home theater systems. Runco projectors are thought to be the most impressive, elegant, and opulent in the market today. Runco is well known ...

Top 5 Music Films of All Time on Satellite TV

Music documentaries (and feature films, for that matter) are almost a two-for-one deal: you get fantastic music along with stunning images of your favorite artists in action. Look to the following list for the five best movies in this genre.

7 Reasons Why You Must Watch "the Great Gatsby"

Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of the classic novel by F. Fitzgerald is simply outstanding. The outfits, the songs and the story- every thing is just so perfect in the movie. Do watch!

Discover The Amazing Pulse Pounding Story of The Transformers!

You would be hard pressed to find anyone today who hasn't heard the story of Transformers. Transformers is a line of toys, Marvel Comics series, TV cartoon and movie blockbuster created in the early 80s. The story of Transformers was first told is a series of Marvel comics written in support of

How to Gain Reality Fame

When going on an audition for reality television many people forget not to over act and simply just "be real." Casting directors are not looking for actors to fulfill reality television spots.They are looking for real people with real life personalities, experiences and honest traits to br

ABC Announces the 2009-10 Television Lineup

After canceling several drama series, ABC is set to go into the fall season with six exciting new dramas. Will ABC reclaim the ratings crown once again? Get the scoop on the new dramas series and where your favorite ABC shows will land on the primetime schedule.

What Does The New Generation Want To Be?

If Gen X used to rule the world years ago, the generation of today is otherwise known as Generation Y. Did you know that recent surveys from the US, UK, and even Asian countries found what most of these youngsters hope to be in the future? They all want to be one thing – famous. Whether the te