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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Get Her In The Mood Game Plan: 5 Steps To A Night of Unforgettable Passion

You see her everyday, share a bed, a bathroom and the mystery begins to slowly fade away. Being comfortable around someone is great, but it is also boring... But, why settle for ho-hum, get it done intercourse? Don't sit around and reminisce about what used to be... bring the sexy back!

Support Groups - Helping You Through Divorce

Divorce can be a very traumatic time in anyone's life. Your whole world is turned upside down, and it can feel like everything you've worked towards your adult life has come to an abrupt end. It's easy to feel like the rug's been pulled out from under you. But you also need to re

Is Marriage Just Another Piece of Paper?

A prevalent attitude today is frequently displayed by the words, "It's only a piece of paper." As in "Why get married? It's only a piece of paper." Really? Is that the sum of marriage?

7 Romantic Ways to Spend Valentines Day

Taking a day trip to a spa is a lovely way to celebrate the holiday. You can sign up for his and her body massages as well as other treatments you both enjoy. Of course you can also split up and get a mud wrap while she's getting her nails done.

How to Continually Impress Your Man, and Have Him Doing the Same For You

Have you seen couples who stay together regardless of how "women-friendly" the man is? He may stare at other women when he's out but he will never feel the compulsion to get it on with the women he meets. They may throw themselves at him but he will resist, not because he feels guilty

Inspired to Pray For Your Marriage - Part 2 of 2

What inspires you to pray in your marriage? This is part 2 of a 2 part series to get you inspired to pray concerning all things in your marriage.Included are 5 tips on getting inspired to pray for your marriage.

After Break-Up: When Should I Talk To My Ex ?

There is no specific time that would tell when you should talk to your ex after your break-up. If you need some time then take all the time you want. If the feelings are still ...

Learn the Factors Child Support Calculations Are Based On

The monthly or yearly earnings of both the custodial parent and non-custodial parent are factors that may affect the monthly payment. The cost of day care, health or dental insurance, clothing, food, entertainment and many other factors may also go into determining child support payments.

Help Me Save My Marriage

When you agreed to be bound by the sanctity of marriage, you also agreed to overcome whatever may happen along the way as you go through your life with the person you chose to be with. Marriage isn't just about being with the person that you love for the rest of your life. It's also being

Are You an "Emotional Underearner"?

If you fall over yourself doing everything for your partner, and get little in return, you may be an "Emotional Underearner". Check yourself against the typical features of Emotional Underearners, and find out what you can do about it.

How to Find a Free Marriage Record Search

When it comes to searching the Internet for certain resources or information, then it can be done by a beginner. To perform a free marriage record search, you should use a high ranked search engine. There are plenty different search engines you can use to find the best website to help you search for

Are You Ready for a Big Surprise? What the Bible Says About Marriage

You've heard it on TV, talk radio, and the Internet; you've even read it in the papers. The Conservative Right and fundamentalist religion in America have made it clear that there should be a Biblical standard for marriage, that is, the joining in holy and legal matrimony of one man and on

Divorce Management - 5 Ways to Stop Your Energy Drains

# Is divorce draining your vital energy? Are you facing your own personal energy crisis? It's a common challenge. Going through divorce is like playing a whole new ball game in life. If you're feeling

Saving a relationship

Nobody likes to have any relationship break. The thought of bad blood with somebody you love can be difficult to digest. It can be quite awkward especially if you are part of a larger friends' ...

How to tell if Wife having Affair - Opening Up

Opening up an issue to your wife is very interesting because it extracts so much information when that happens. How to tell if wife having an affair? It is very hard to tell because it ...

What Should You Do When Your Husband Wants a Divorce

Is your husband telling you that he is considering a divorce? You should not give up in case your husband wants a divorce while you still want your marriage to last. You should take measures that will stop your marriage from falling apart.

My Husband Wants to Leave Me

Since I often write about saving marriages, regaining the love and spark in your marriage, and restoring intimacy and closeness, I'm often asked what is the best way to react or proceed when you know that you husband wants to leave. The answer to this will greatly depend upon the situation. How

How To Screw Up A Relationship

So much power exists in the little things. It is the little things that can make a good relationship, great. Conversely, the little things can destroy a relationship. Here are eight common behaviors that may not be deal breakers but these behaviors will ruin your chances of ever having happiness in