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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
How to Tell the Children About Divorce
If you have decided to file for divorce, how do you tell your children about your divorce? They are the innocent victims, but the ones that get hurt the most. Learn how to ease into the subject and make them feel secure at the same time.
Sharing and Marriage
Sharing and marriage and two concepts we will look at this week in our discussion concerning relationships. We are going to examine the concept of sharing and see how it comes into play inthe act of marriage and how to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Divorce - 5 Steps to Take BEFORE You Separate
Contemplating a legal separation or divorce? Wait! get the information you need to be sure you are protecting yourself. A California family law attorney from the Temecula/Murrieta/Hemet area gives you 5 steps to take Before you actually separate from your spouse.
Why you should have an attorney when divorce comes?
If you are thinking about a divorce or your spouse has already filed for a divorce, it is a good idea to get an attorney. This is something that you should do to protect yourself. ...
Child Custody - How to Get What You Want From Your Court Hearings
When it comes to family court there is nothing more written about than people who think that the family court legal system is corrupt, antiquated, complicated, or somehow a system that fails the people in it. Despite these views it is the system you are forced to work with when resolving child custo
Whats It Going To Be, Dependency Or Love?
Are you in a new relationship? Or have you been married for twenty years? It might seem shocking if I suggest that the base core of your relationship may not be love at all but ...
Attract Love into Your Life
We all want love. So what keeps us from having more love in our lives? At least these four things: 1. We don't really think we're worthy-we believe messages we've heard from parents, friends, etc. ...
Separation and the Devastating Effect on Everyone
Most would agree that separation and divorce are never ideal for anyone involved. We have all heard that the effects of divorce on children are far worse than the financial and emotional effect on the ...
Extramarital Affair Advice - What to Do When your Partner Has Been Cheating on you
The humiliation, pain and anxiety that an affair causes in a marriage has been documented as more devastating and painful than nearly all other marital problems. The lies and deception an affair infli
Secret Garden Birdbath
Another way to invite your feathered friends to your secret garden is to provide pretty or quirky birdbaths for them to enjoy.
Can You Tell That He Really Loves You Or Not? 3 Ways to Know For Certain
Are you aware of how to tell that he really loves you? Has your boyfriend ever confessed to you about his love for you but you are not sure whether he was sincere?
12 Stress Free Ways to Communicate With Your Ex
Putting any unhealthy feelings towards your ex aside will not only decrease your stress level but ultimately help you adapt to the change. Use these tips and the results will be a productive and respectful relationship. Help yourself and all involved through this stressful time and you will heal and
Need A Relationship Rescue? Breathe New Life Into It!
If you are trying to keep a marriage or relationship intact, then you probably need a relationship rescue. There are books on the subject and much advice from friends and family. There are marriage counselors ...
How to Script Your Beloved Relationship Into Reality
As people are beginning to understand the power of their own subconscious, and their co-creative power with Source, they have created all sorts of products to help people reprogram what they want including affirmations through screensavers, to mini movies that feature people in successful scenarios.
How to Fix Your Marriage With These Tips
Marriages fall apart all the time but there is no need for this to happen. Many people head straight for divorce at the first signs of discomfort but there are things you can do to help yourself find happiness in your marriage. Here are some tips that will be useful in any marriage.
How Do You Know He Loves You? The Signs That Point Out the Truth
How do you know he loves you? Are you looking for the signs that it is true? Do you want to understand what he is feeling, but often feel lost?
How To Help Children Cope With Divorce
There are many children in the world that are going through the process of having their parents get divorced.It is hard to not involve the children in the entire process of divorce but it is important that each child not be negatively affected or hurt by any of it at all.The effects of divorce can b
Sangeet Ceremony
Hindu marriages deal with elaborate occasions of rituals, customs and norms. Sangeet Ceremony forms an integral part of the Pre Wedding Ceremonies and one of the most enjoyable ceremonies before the w
Divorce Around the World
Different countries, and different continents, are home to many different cultures. In each of these different cultures there are differences, some very slight and some extremely profound. The same holds true for divorce, which is a recognized and practiced concept in most countries but can take on
Marriage Counseling Exercises
If a married couple has come to you for counsel, how you handle their sessions might be the determining factor as to whether they resolve their conflicts or grow farther apart. Instead of you doing all of the talking, encourage the couple to speak from their hearts. This allows you to get to the roo