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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
Is it Just Cold Feet – or are You Afraid to Marry?
How to tell the difference between normal pre-marital jitters versus a genuine “red flag” that warns you're on the wrong track.
How to Schedule Parental Visitation Rights in Ohio
When a parent receives primary (or residential) custody of a child the nonresidential parent typically receives visitation rights. Visitation, commonly called in Ohio "parenting time," consists of a child spending a specific percentage of time with the nonresidential parent. Ohio doesnR
5 Ways to Change Rotten Kisses
Rotten kisses are plain rotten, no matter where or when they occur or with whom. Rotten is rotten. Period.If one feels good and the other does not, the rub is, the "other" is usually you.
Post-Divorce Confidence
Your confidence has likely suffered because of your divorce. This isn't unusual and you shouldn't feel like you are alone. You committed yourself to your marriage, and your hopes and dreams followed. To now be faced with its ending is a devastating blow that often leaves women feeling exha
Is Your Ex Dating?
Do you have problems with resenting the Ex?Is he or she out dating while your social life is non-existent?Here is a plan to get you over your bitterness and get you out dating.
Before You Begin Marriage Counseling, Ask This Question
Theres an important question that you need to ask the marriage counselor you and your spouse are considering using. The question itself may surprise you, as well as the answer your potential counselor gives. Its an often-overlooked question that hardly anyone ever talks about. But the answer to this
Take Advantage Of A Free Divorce Records Of Missouri
Clearly, everybody desires to marry, but not with the wrong individual. Nevertheless, what is happening these days is that people look at a person on the surface only. Hence, it is not surprising to see ...
How To Get Your Boyfriend To Propose To You
So you are ready for marriage. You are so completely ready to marry the love of your love that it hurts.
Marriage Maintenance - for the Long Haul
Half of all the couples marrying today will end in divorce. In previous generations it was not surprising to hear that a couple was celebrating their twenty-fifth, thirtieth, or even fiftieth wedding anniversary. What can ...
Right Reasons for Getting Married
People marry for myriad and divergent reasons. A study of why people get married would reveal that over a hundred and one reasons may have resulted into the marriages that the world is grappling with today. The reason or reasons for which one gets married has such dare consequences on the marriage r
Fix Your Marriage - Tricks for a Strong Union
Has your relationship hit a bumpy stretch and you need a few tricks to fix your marriage? Did you think you two would be different from every other couple and you'd communicate freely, but now your relationship is crumbling before your eyes? Would you like to try to fix your marriage before it&
How to Keep Life and Love in Your Relationship Part 2
Illusion of Love Love is mystical togetherness. It is a whimsical playfulness that invigorates you. Love is comfort. When youre in love you experience a romantic clam and a tenderness that makes you lightheaded. Love ...
Hiring a Private Detective to Catch a Cheating Partner:
Hiring the services of a private detective isn't a decision to be taken lightly. Whether trying to catch a cheating partner or look into the background of a potential business associate, it takes a great ...
How to Save Your Marriage Alone - When Your Partner Doesn't Want to Try
It has been observed that more than 70 percent of marriages end up in divorce just because couples feel uncomfortable in their initial stages. Some of these tips can help people to save their marriage, even if their partner is not willing to try.
Rebound Love - Does it Work?
Is Rebound Love a good idea? Find out now and save yourself a lot of pain.
Ways To Get Revenge On Cheating Boyfriend
Whether you were seeing your ex for a few years, in a long relationship or marital, breaking up is painful to do. The good news is that life does get better. Eventually, you will be confident to leave
Design Your Own Engagement Ring - Making Your Moment Unique
Did you know that there is a way to show your fiance exactly what she means to you, that says so much more than any other gift and that she will love even more as time passes? When you design your own engagement ring you can say so much more than just 'will you marry me?'
How to Know If You Are in Love
So many time people do mistaking being in love with being infatuated. When a girl is waiting for her prince charming it is not real love, it is better called infatuation, and there is a vast difference between that and real love.
Even Though My Husband Left Me, He Says He Hasn't Given Up On Us - But I'm Not Sure If I Believe It
"My husband left me about three weeks ago. Well, I guess I shouldn't say that he left me because this implies that I didn't know that he was going to leave. In fact, I did know that he was going to go. My only hope was that he would miss me while he was gone and that he would return h
Reconciliation In Marriage - What Can I Do?
So, your relationship is broken up and you wonder what went wrong. Reconciliation in marriage is something that you want so bad that you start to think about how you can best apologize. Should I write him/her a letter etc.