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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

What a Man Is Looking for in A Woman?

It is erroneous to believe that all a man is looking in good house is nothing but sex. This assumption is not true because man need lots things from his wife. Therefore, consider the tips ...

Marriage Is Not a Priority for Contemporary Chinese Youth

An old Chinese saying goes that "any grown-up man or woman must get married". In the past, it was viewed as a violation of filial piety to remain single as an adult, for every man had the responsibility to carry on the family name by begetting sons. That belongs to the past, of course. Now

Where Did Your Money Story Come From?

No matter what our financial background, we all have unique money stories imprinted upon us from a young age. And whether we're conscious or not of what we've absorbed, we all pass along these stories, feelings and attitudes to our children, partners, friends and colleagues. Even if you do

Daycare Effects on Children

Many children go to daycare centers so parents can return to work. Since children spend a significant amount of time in daycare facilities, these centers help shape early years and have positive and negative effects on children.

How to Improve Your Marriage

Marriage is a complex matter and it can often go awry when left unchecked by both partners. There are things you can do to fix your marriage, make it better and keep it strong. Here are three tips that are proven to work.

Can You Explain What is Love?

This is the time of year where love is in the air and romance is on everybody's mind. Flowers and card are being exchanged; chocolates and teddy bears are given as expressions of affection. Jewelry ...

Wholesale Flowers for Holidays and Special Occasions

Flowers are an excellent way to say everything from "I love you" to "I am sorry." Women frequently melt over the thought and consideration that goes into using your time and money to purchase them ...

My 3 Rules to Relationship Bliss

Have you ever been somewhere, and looked at a couple and thought, "What do they see in each other?" Don't fool yourself, happy couples know that true happiness comes from below the surface.

Devotion of Ukrainian Women

We have a real Ukrainian family, with real Ukrainian customs and traditions in relations and everyday life. And when I am cooking, I really save the best pieces of the meal for my husband. It is because of my Ukrainian blood. And it is because several generations of my family taught their daughters

Children and Divorce - Important Considerations For Any Parent

Many trained professionals-teachers, counselors, psychologists, and clergy-have spent a lot of time and training so they can help children cope with the changes divorce brings to their lives. This is what I've learned from my Family Law practice and working with some of these specialists.

Steps to Take if Your Husband Falls Out of Love

Many wives have to deal with husbands who fall out of love, and you may be one of them. What should you do when things reach such a state? With the popularity that divorce has ...

3 Unnoticed Signs That He Wants You Back

Finally, after overcoming the initial pain of a heartache, you and your ex have begun to speak to each other again. You're either hoping to get him back and save your relationship or just remain ...

Marriage Advice - Watch Out For These Seven Signs of a Troubled Marriage

For the past several years, it has been observed that there has been a decline in divorce rates. That should be some cause for a celebration, but the odd thing about it is this change in statistics does not really mean that more marriages are working better than before.

Valentine's Day: Remember The Roses' Meaning

When giving roses to your ladylove on Valentine's Day, keep in mind that different roses have their own different meanings, and while you make think red roses are trite, you also don't want to be ...