Fix Your Marriage - Tricks for a Strong Union
Many of us have been raised to be darling little princesses and when our husbands begin to treat us...
well, like a wife, like an equal partner, like a mere mortal, we have trouble adjusting to that shift from fairy tale fantasy, to the reality of everyday real life.
The first step to fix your marriage; look at yourself before you prepare to point the finger.
The Truth, The Whole Truth Before you even confront your husband, take a close look at your recent actions.
Have you been playing fair? Have you taken his feelings into consideration? Have you done all that you can to ensure you're both happy within this relationship? If not, take the time to fix your portion of this relationship.
Do your part to compromise in order to both be happy.
If you feel you've honestly done all that you can, sit down to speak to your husband.
Avoid the Fight Tensions run high when a marriage starts to falter.
There can even be times when we simultaneously love and hate that man we married.
We silently let little things slide by, all while tallying them up in our minds.
We remember them all and bring them out and throw them at our spouse when the time is right.
All that pent up frustrations can blow up and the result is a pretty bad fight that is hard to back down from.
Before it gets that far, let some steam off.
Let your husband know the importance of open and frequent communication in order to allow both of you to vent the little things before they become enormous.
Pay Attention to the Warning Signs It can be easy to just look at the relationship from our point of view without ever stopping to consider how our actions affect our mate.
Before any marriage starts to hit those serious bumps, there are plenty of warning signs, yet most couples overlook them and forge on with their everyday battles.
Many men will come and repeatedly tell their wives what's troubling them.
Women will also try to let their mate know what she feels is not quite right in the relationship.
But, so long as the marriage seems to be going somewhat as it should be, these first warning signs are ignored.
A marriage is hard work and fixing a marriage that has become difficult can be harder.
Think of the importance of this relationship and of the good that still remains between the two of you.
You may need to work a long while before everything is mended, but it will be worthwhile.