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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Proposals With a Difference

After dating and being in a relationship for a period of time, the next natural progression is to get engaged. Traditionally, men are usually the ones to drop to one knee and pop the question, but as society evolves, that is definitely changing.

Is Your Marriage On A Free Fall?

Once upon a time, you were in love and your desire was to always be in the presence of him/her. You loved to gist and share your heart desires and aspiration with each other. For some,... it took them time before parental consent was received but prior to this you vowed, 'it's either him/h

Spot Infidelity to Save Your Marriage

Infidelity is a cruel blow to any marriage but it is by no means the end.The best way to deal with infidelity is to pre-empt it or nip it in the bud when it is first spotted.This article shows you how.

The Marriage Relationship - The Family Glue

It had been a rough night.She and her husband had had a terrible argument.Now, even though it was hours later and the morning after, Jan still felt the sting of their words.

Making Your Marriage Work After Your Wife Cheats

Is there some age old secret for making your marriage work after your wife cheats? Probably not. In ancient times women led fairly isolated lives and didn't have as many opportunities to cheat as they ...

Cheap Wedding Favors - 7 Ways to Save on Favors

You dont have to be a budding Martha Stewart to craft your own wedding favors. If youve got the creative knack, we say go for it; its not as difficult as you may think. Round ...

Divorce is an Opportunity

"Yeah, sure!" I can just hear people saying that to themselves when they read the title, and - when I'm in that kind of mood - I can be there too: skeptical about casually painting a smiley face on something as huge as divorce. No matter how solid a citizen you think you are, divorce

I Want to Save my Marriage, Today- The First Step

Sorry to say if you want to say, 'I am beginning to save my marriage, today,' it is most likely not going to happen today, but there is a chance over time you can pull it off. Before you do anything e

Three DIY Wedding Thank You Cards

Get three hot ideas for DIY wedding thank you cards that will impress your friends and family and give you and your new spouse the chance to work on a project together.

Trust in Marriage

Trust in marriage is a must as if you do not trust each other in marriage then you will never trust each other at all.When you trust one another you are expected to be honest with each other & rely on each others trust.If you do not trust one another then you will end up lying to each other and this

Child Custody - Consider the Kids in Your Dispute

Very often overlooked are the children in child custody cases. Parents, courts and other interested parties spend hours arguing various merits of the divorce, or separation often overlooking how the child or children must feel.