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Wills & trusts : Law & Legal & Attorney
What Documents Cannot Be Notarized?
Documents are notarized to prevent fraud and protect the parties to ensure that the signing party signature is authenticated.A notary public acts as an impartial witness to identify the signers to screen out impostors while making sure documents are willingly signed and that the signing party has th
How to Find Colossus Boulevard in Smiths' Quest
In the online computer game "Wizard101," you take on the role of a wizard to save Wizard World. The game is free to play, but without upgrading your account, you cannot explore other worlds and take on extra adventures. Colossus Boulevard south of the Trade District is an area in the Wizar
Instructions for Making a Handwritten Will
When we first enter this world, we have absolutely nothing. Over the course of our life, we acquire "stuff." "Stuff" refers to everything we own, including personal property (such as cars and computers), debts, real property and rights (such as guardianship rights). When we die, something needs to b
Puerto Rico Inheritance Law
According to Puerto Rico's Civic Code, succession is the transmission of the rights and obligations of the deceased to his heirs. Anyone who wishes to stipulate beneficiaries (those who would receive his assets in case of death), must do so by writing a will. To guarantee the validity of such will,
Business Succession and Protecting Your Business Partners
So how safe is your business? Would you have the funds to purchase your business partners shares in the event of death?
How to Protect a Person's Character After Death
In most states there is no recovery for libel or slander of an individual who is deceased. Legally, libel is defined as a printed attack upon an individual, while a spoken attack is referred to as slander. Some states permit postmortem defamation lawsuits, to allow the collection of monetary awards
MVR Requirements
Canada keeps MVR files on all licensed drivers.driving on highway image by jedphoto from Fotolia.comMotor Vehicle Reports, or MVRs, are driving records of licensed Canadian drivers. MVRs can be obtained if needed, however each province has its own set of requirements before it will...
If Revocable Living Trusts Are So Great, Why Doesn't Everyone Have One?
Clients often ask this question. The answers may surprise you. You may find you do not need one, but most people do.
How to Find a Hidden SSID With a BackTrack
BackTrack Linux is a "penetration testing" distribution of the Linux operating system; it was developed for testing network security and vulnerabilities in the operating system. BackTrack uses a number of easily available tools to point out the flaws in your network security. For example,
Help: How Can I Get a Copy of My Parking Citation in Redlands, California
Unlike other tickets, parking tickets in California aren't filed with the court. If you've lost an issued ticket and require an additional copy, you must go through the agency that issued the ticket. In Redlands, the agency is the Redlands Police Department. The department has a parking enforcement
How to Amend a Family Trust in Another State
A revocable living trust, sometimes referred to as a family trust, is an estate-planning tool designed to pass assets to next of kin as efficiently as possible. A grantor, the person establishing the trust and funding it with assets, is normally named as the trustee and has the right to change or re
Massachusetts Erosion & Sedimentation Standards of Control
Along with the federal EPA, Massachusetts has enacted guidelines for best management practices that will ensure standards of control for erosion and sedimentation due to construction and land disturbances which have altered natural drainage patterns and reduced runoff water quality.
What Are the Duties of an Executor of a Living Trust?
A living trust, also called a revocable trust, is a legal document specifying to whom and how an individual's property and assets are to be distributed after death. An executor, usually called a trustee, is responsible for administering all property and assets in accordance with the specifications o
The Importance of a Will
Do you have a will or have you been putting off writing your will for some time now? Having a will these days is not only important for you, but is crucial for your family in the event something were to happen to you.
Responsibilities of a Guardian Ad Litem in New Hampshire
A guardian ad litem (GAL) in New Hampshire is appointed by the court to protect the rights of a child, or a person unable to fully understand or speak for themselves, who are either the subject of litigation or have an interest in litigation. The GAL's role is that of advocate to ensure that the ch
How to File a Subpoena Form Pro Se in Maricopa County, Arizona
A subpoena is a document issued by a court to a person compelling that person to provide testimony in front of the court or to produce documents. In order to make sure the subpoena is on the record, you need to file it with the court. Additionally, if you are representing yourself, known as pro se,
Reasons Why It Is Important to Assign Someone Power of Attorney
Power of attorney (POA) is a written, authorized contract in which an individual, the principal, grants another individual, the agent, the authority to act on the principal's behalf in regard to private, business, or financial decisions. Durable, statutory, and medical are the valuable assortme
How to Transfer Property in Kentucky
Kentucky, like most states, has different instruments for transferring property, and the situation dictates which instrument to use. If the property is known to the grantee, such as a sibling or child, a quitclaim deed may be used. If the property is being sold to another party, a general warranty d
How to Create a Global Variable in SSIS
SSIS is a component of Microsoft SQL Server that was implemented with the version released in 2005. SSIS provides the ability to utilize programming code to accomplish desired tasks within SSIS. One of the programming features that SSIS offers is the ability to create and use global variables, whic
How do I Find Out If a Company Is ISO9000 Certified?
The International Organization of Standardization, also known as ISO, has many international standards for safety and quality. One of these families of standards, ISO 9000, applies to standards for quality management systems, which is related to how to safely and effectively perform business activit