How to File a Subpoena Form Pro Se in Maricopa County, Arizona
- 1). Take the form to one of the official court clerks in Maricopa County and have it filed with the court. The offices are located 201 W. Jefferson St., in Phoenix, Ariz., and at 222 East Javelina Ave., in Mesa, Ariz. These offices are open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- 2). Use the exterior drop boxes offered by Maricopa County (see Resources). Time stamp the first page on the upper right-hand corner, affix payment in the form of a check or money order made out to the Clerk of the Court, rubber band the package together and then slip it into the drop box.
- 3). E-File your subpoena (see Resources). Go to the website and create an account and log in. Your subpoena needs to be in one of the acceptable filing formats: Rich Text Format, Microsoft Word document, Word Perfect document or Portable Document Format. Transfer it to the court via the simple electronic system. Once the file is transmitted, you will receive a confirmation of receipt that you can save for your records.