This Hour Requires A New Kind Of Leadership

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I am writing on a day when many are concerned about just what is going on in the world.
Billions of aid money has gone missing and those who gave are not only concerned but angry.
The price of oil has touched a new high.
In which direction might that now go?Kenya, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq are experiencing upheaval and devastation.
Darfur continues to be a byword regarding all those suffering from physical hunger and extreme humanitarian poverty and deprivation.
This is more than a political problem.
It is spiritual.
When I turn to the New Testament I receive hope and courage to write.
You would be wise to check it all out in the crucial days.
Every detail prophesied about the birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ came true.
Each was literally fulfilled.
Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem.
Now, you must admit that it is very difficult to arrange where you are going to be born! The prophets foretold that He would come out of Egypt.
That happened after Herod attempted to kill the recently born King.
He experienced something of the suffering of being a refugee.
Predictions were made that the Messiah would heal many, open blind eyes, and that lame people would walk.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, ministered miraculously in all of these ways.
The Psalmist announced He would teach in parables.
We have around 50 parables in Jesus Christ's teaching.
When it came to the death of Jesus it was made clear that a friend would betray Him, and His hands and feet pierced.
Men would divide His garments, cast lots for His clothing, and offer Him vinegar to drink.
As the time for Him to be put to death drew close one prophet saw that Jesus would be taken out with criminals, be buried in the tomb of a rich man, and then be raised from the dead on the third day.
Sweeping quickly through the prophecies referring to Jesus Christ is quite remarkable.
No other faith in the world has anything to compare with the prophetic revelations of the Bible, predicting with absolute accuracy events that have already taken place.
The Bible is unique.
All this makes one think.
Of course, it is intended to do much more than just make you think.
For every prophecy about His first coming, there are five concerning His return.
This is why I would like to see The White House in Washington, Downing Street in London, and the Leadership of The United Nations in New York begin to take seriously what our Creator God decrees.
The problems are immense.
The waves are pounding people in so many nations around the world.
These men and women hurt and bleed in the same way as I do and experience pain just like anyone reading this piece.
A new kind of leadership is needed at this hour - prophetic leadership - leadership which is anointed with the authority of the living God - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the God and Father of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.
I write with confidence, not self-confidence, but confidence in Almighty God Who has proved Himself utterly faithful to fulfil every promise that He has ever spoken.
By the way, the prophecies regarding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be fulfilled just as literally.
Sandy Shaw
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