Garden Bee Nests: What To Do If There Is A Bee Nest In Your Garden?
Take into account that a garden bee nest does not necessarily mean that you or your children are in danger or trouble. So, please do not rush to exterminate the bees you can see hanging in your garden.
So, What To Do If I Find Bees In My Garden?
The first thing you have to do is find out if the bees are really dangerous. Remember that there are some species that do not represent any harm to you or to your people.
For example, bumble bees and solitary bees do not represent danger if left alone. However, you should be careful not to bother them since they could react aggressively, although this is ONLY in extreme cases.
If you find out that the bees in your garden are not any of these species then you should be careful. Never manipulate the nest with your hands, and have all children go away from the garden.
Keep in mind that you cannot exterminate the bees that easily. Not only is it dangerous but also illegal.
Depending on the type of bees that you found, the law will not allow you to kill them just for the sake of safety.
What you need to do is call your local authorities. The Police and The Firefighters should help you.
If, for some reason they cannot give you a hand with the issue they will be guide you to the corresponding people or organization that can manage the situation.
In some parts of the world there are Bee Keeping Swarm Officers. They can be the right people for your needs.
Visit my website if you want to know more about garden bee nests and the safety needed to remove them.