Cross Stitch Prayer For Blessing Food
This Cross stitch sampler submitted by Susheel Kaur is a reminder to offer a blessing for food received by saying grace before eating. It is decorated in each corner with a Khanda symbol representing the Sikh coat of arms. Words are stitched in the Gurmukhi script.
In red it reads:
- "Bhojan chhakan vaelae de ardaas
Food eaten is best when blessed.
In black are two Gurbani tuks, or verses of scripture:
- "Dadaa daataa ek hai sabh ko daevanhaar ||
DADDA [a letter of the Gurmukhi alphabet]:
The One Lord is the Great Giver; everything he bestows."
Daendae tott na aavee aganat bharae bhanddaar ||
There is no limit to His Giving. His countless warehouses are filled to overflowing." [SGGS||257] - "Jis dhaa dhithaa khaavanaa this keheeai saabaas ||
Let us all applaud Him, from whom we receive our nourishment.
Naanak hukam n chalee naal khasam chalai ardaas ||22||
O Nanak, no one can command the Lord; let us instead implore in supplication." ||22|| [SGGS||474]