How to Buy a Massage Chair Online
- 1). Make sure that the electrical motors and the PC board of a massage chair are of the highest quality. The best of these are made in Japan or Singapore. If you find that they have been manufactured elsewhere, it's likely that they will not last because they are probably made poorly.
- 2). Go to websites that specialize in massage chairs, and not to those that sell a wide range of products. If you do this, you are likely to be dealing with someone who knows about this product, and not someone who only imports what he can sell quickly and at a high profit.
- 3). Check the warranty of any chair you are about to buy. Many manufacturers make promises they never intend to keep. If your chair is ever in need of repair, it may be difficult for you to find a place that will repair it. One strategy is to ask the vendor if that chair is sold anywhere else. Do not settle for the company's own website or a website like If that vendor is the only place where you can buy that brand, ask where the warranty work is done.
- 4). Avoid buying a no-name massage chair that the website says is just as good as a name brand but sells for much less money. There are knock-off massage chairs being sold on many websites, and purchasers find that they are made of inferior components, and that they simply do not last.
- 5). Remember that it's not a good deal if the product doesn't last. Even if the massage chair is a brand that you recognize, if it is selling for much less than you expected to pay, it is most likely a refurbished chair or one that has been over-used, neither of which will last. Spend a little more money for a massage chair that will provide you with many years of enjoyment.