About Ordained Ministers
- Ordained ministers play significant roles in the community and in their respective churches. People look to them for help in life's horrible situations. People also look to ordained ministers for answers about the Bible, theology, moral questions, support and much more. They are often the ones called upon to for prayer and they are usually some of the most respected members of society.
- The most obvious function of ordained ministers is preaching. Traditionally, ordained ministers preach sermons at churches on Sunday mornings or other days throughout the week depending on the actual church and denomination. Many ordained ministers also function as marriage counselors for couples thinking about getting married or having marital problems. Ministers are also required to oversee training for other leaders in the church to ensure they are morally capable of holding positions in the church. Finally, many faiths expect ordained ministers to visit the sick and elderly. These are just a few functions that ordained ministers are expected to fulfill in their daily and weekly routines.
- There are several types of ordained ministers. In the Catholic faith, ordained ministers can be bishops, priests and deacons. In the Protestant faith, ordained ministers are generally pastors of churches. There are also other ordained ministers within Protestant churches, including youth ministers, assistant ministers and others to minister to the needs of the various groups within the church.
- There are several benefits to being an ordained minister. For one thing, ordained clergy are eligible for a sticker that they can put on their vehicles. There are designated parking spots and hospitals and jails for ordained ministers. In addition, ordained ministers can receive many tax benefits. For instance, they can opt out of having social security deductions taken out of their pay. They also receive a number of tax benefits.
- For people thinking about becoming an ordained minister, there are several considerations to keep in mind before making their final decision. For one thing, many denominations and churches do not allow female ministers or homosexual ministers. Some strict churches may not even allow pastors that have a divorce or other event in their past that the church deems inappropriate or immoral. Ordained ministers also have a highly stressful occupation. Many times, they are called upon at all hours of the night when members of their church die or if other emergencies occur. Ministers are also held to a higher standard than laypeople and many people scrutinize everything they do. As such, ministers need to be careful of their actions and the things they say because they are an example to the community and their church.
- Ordained ministers have a number of effects on a congregation and a community. If people see a minister that has a moral, godly life, they become an example that people strive towards. However, if an ordained minister makes mistakes and follows a path of immorality, they can lead to the downfall of a congregation and others who look up to him as an example for their life. People like Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggart are examples of ministers making mistakes and causing people to leave the faith. As such, the effects of a minister and their lives are numerous and significant for a community.